Dear French translators

I received a language request in Transifex for French (by jeanpierrevergnes54), 
not a member of this list.

When I look in this mailing list, the last translator to submit here was 
Olivier Humbert ( in 2021.

However, the last Github pull request for French was made by Leaumonte 
( in 2023 (february 4), who is not in this mailing list as 
far as I can see.

So my question is:
Do you guys want to work together in Transifex? At the moment, the only way to 
contact "jeanpierrevergnes54" is via Transifex, so this is what I did. I asked 
him to join this list to coordinate with other translators.


Thomas De Rocker
(Dutch translations)

Audacity-translation mailing list

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