Re: Luminals missions 8 to 10 walkthrough?

My apologies.  I've been meaning to get around to this, but between unwanted financial and other such stressfull issues I haven't done much in the way of productivity for awhile now.  I feel myself slipping closer and closer towards what will hopefully be the end, of what I don't know until I get there though. smile

I'm still here, still kickin, still thrashing about and doing the best to beat the odds.  I just managed to get my dirty little hands on an audio interface thanks to a member on the forum who shall remain anonymous for the sake of sparing him the embarrassment of helping little ol me do anything.  Hahahaha!

Hmmm, I just realized I haven't been signed into anything other than Skype as of late either, though I suppose since the MS team has made such an overhaul of their system that's the only service that matters, mayb e?


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