Re: Windows Releases and next-gen game trials

A few items…

Messages from this forum were being caught by our spam filter, so we haven't looked at this thread in a while, not realizing there were new messages. In any case, this is not a good place for tech support. Please use our online help desk at our website.

To answer some of the more general questions that came up in this thread previously…

1. Our titles require 64-bit Intel processors for Mac OS X. They will run fine in Snow Leopard if you have a 64-bit machine. The 2006 Mac Mini does not meet this minimum requirement, but most or all Macs from about 2007 onward should work fine.

2. Keyboard input should not be sluggish. Make sure your screen reader is disabled and that nothing else is intercepting keyboard input or otherwise slowing down your machine. The games ahve been tested on Windows XP machines with pretty minimal specs and still performed well.

3. A  problem with our web host caused a temporary outage of our web site, but that has been corrected and we have additionally implemented an alert system to minimize problems in the future.

4. Yes, we use OpenAL, as well as a great deal of custom code, to output audio.

5. Some 64-bit Windows machines were experiencing problems launching our new titles. This has been corrected and updated versions of the games are available for download from the appropriate product pages.

If you have general questions, you can ask here and we will try to answer them. If you have tech support issues, please use our online help desk.


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