Re: loquendo tts is the company gone under?

Jack and all, just because the company has closed or has been purchased by another company does not legally give you the right to just pass their software around. You really need to study copyright law, and understand it because a copyright holder can hold the rights to any and all software regardless if they make it available to their customers or not.

For example, let's assume USA Games creates a few kick butt games, you like them, and for some reason USA Games closes our doors. Well, you might believe that because the company has closed you can just pass all my games around. Wrong!

I would still be legally in my right to take you to court and sue you for financial damages. It doesn't matter weather I am still selling the products or not, weather my company still is online or not, or weather or not I am no longer providing updates. As the copyright holder I have a right to sell or not sell a product and redistributing said products without my expressed perm ission is a violation of copyright law.

The same holds true for the Loquendo voices. Apparently Nuance has purchased them and now Nuance is the official copyright holder of record. Weather they update the older voices, sell them, or anything else is immaterial in the eyes of the law. Redistributing them is illegal and you can be arrested, sued, and have to pay fines all because you mistakenly believed them to be abandonware. So don't assume just because some company goes out of business or is sold to another company the copyright laws do not longer apply.


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