Re: Dragonflame 0.3a is out!

the doctor wrote: could i easily write a thing that encapsulates only letters, then i can map the things like enter, space etc to different sounds...

It actually does answer your question. You can loop through the key table that way, so you don't have to bind functions key by key.
We did not add the Windows keys, because they are seldom used in games. However, you can use 219 for the left and 220 for the right start menu. I've added it to my to do list and it'll be implemented in the next release.
Regarding window titles, this is yet again something a game developer would seldom need. Nonetheless, I threw together a small extension that gets the current window handle for you.
Put this in 'clibs', and in your script:
require "w handle"
The UI library will have a new command called 'getwhandle()', that returns a number, respectively. You can use this to compare to a previously retrieved handle to see if you are still in the same window.
Please note: since I literarily threw this together in around 5 minutes, it may break (though it did not when I tested it).
Also, DFE will eventually check for its own window, and you will have a flag to set should you wish to pause audio, unregister input, etc, when a user focuses an other window.
3rd note: Lua has an extension called WinAPI here, but since it is in source form, I thought this'd be easier in the short run.
4th note oh wait, there is no 4th note! Woot!



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