Re: future of Bavisoft games

@jjgeek, did you try the patch for grizly gulch? I noticed myself that without the patch, the game hung up on gunfights and became unplayable.

@Pavy, yep, not getting puzzles due to english makes sense, and I admit the water baloons thing is a little obscure if you don't know the wizard of oz, though in fairness to bavisoft I will sayeven in England the original wizard of oz is sort of as much known as hansel and grettle,  cindarella or most any fairy tale, indeed since it gets included in compilations of kids fairy tales (admittedly usually in a very abridged form), it's likely even more well known than something like peter pan or  pinokio, since even children who don't read will have likely seen a tv adaptation of it at some point. Then again since I heard kelly sepergia's review first I'm likely not really in a position to say (I listened to the review before  I decided to buy the game).

The only puzzle I got really stuck on in chillingham was how to repare the church organ, since I assumed you had to use the lose key on it some how, though I do wonder if I hadn't heard Kelly's review whether I would've known to keep checking the random books in the library multiple times for an item.

You also  seem to have played gg much more than me.  I believe  even thought I've owned it now for nearly 7 years, I have played through it only about five or six times at most, and chillingham I know I've played only four.


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