Re: Star Trek: Ship Command - a windows operating system upgrade, IfYouWil

Is this what you're looking for?
This is the red alert claxon heard aboard the USS Excelsior in the third-season Voyager episode Flashback. The USS Righteous is a refitted Excelsior-class ship, so I suppose it would make sense for it to have the same alarm. Admitedly though, its bridge sounds quite different from the Excelsior's in the Voyager episode... Probably because it was refitted to 24th-century specs.

I wish I could get my hands on all those lovely sound effects in Star Trek: Borg! I have the game, but for the life of me I have no idea how to get into its sounds, or even if it's possible to do so. It really is a crying shame that they made a CD of the obnoxious old original series sounds, but never released one of newer SFX... Well, except the sounds in the Generations soundtrack.


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