Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Regarding the screen sensitivity, I don't understand what issue you're talking about. Putting the hoen in the pocket without locking the screen is a damn bad idea, because, the point of screen lock feature is simply that you should lock your phone when putting it in your pocket! Lol. Sorry if I misunderstood this, but what's the issue?
Regarding the new US primioum voice for Siri, you have to do the following to enable it:
Go into settings, gennerel, siri and see if the language is set to US english. Then, you can choose between the male or feemale voice. The male voice is the new siri voice.
Regarding the control center and the messages center, you can also touch the status bar of the top of the screen, and then swipe down with 3 fingers to open up the messages center and swipe up with 3 fingers to open up the control center.
It seems as apple have removed the unlock sound. Well, what's the point of having this? You should know whe n your phone is unlocked. smile


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