Re: Spellling mistakes.

Well I'm actually not using Orphius anymore, and am using realspeak. I have noticed the capitalisation thing Casta, though usually I have Hal set to read capitals as I type, though generally realspeak is slightly worse on spelling and pronounciation  overall, but I'm stuck at the moment since orphius has crashed on me.

What particularly irritates me with realspeak is the way it can't apply the same rules to unusual words and fantasy conventions as it can to English.

For example postman or policeman it does fine with, but cyberman it says as "cyber an" with a completely missing m for no readily apparent reason, and never mind what it does to more unusual words or fantasy names.

I also ddislike the way it has preset acronyms and will speak them irrispective of situation. Being told in a game my character has 46 horse power and 84 street instead of Hp and St is quite annoying, as is reading about that well known self voicing system f or windows, manuscript sapi.

Then again, for rythm, for pleasant phonemes and for intonnation Daniel is a far better option than eloquence, which is pretty much my only other choice at this point (I particularly dislike eloquence's attempt at British English).

Regarding spelling, really, English is a stupid language, voluntiere should end t e a r!

I fixed voluntiere the other day so if it's still showing as wrong that's a problem at your end (and btw Brad, my screen reader is Hal, H A L), or at least it was before the official name changed to supernova screen reader as it did a few versions ago.

As I said I don't mind correcting these, but there really are more important things to do on the Db, and certainly all the entries do get a read through and obvious corrections by me before posting.


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