Revelation - Exploration and discovery puzzle, by Aprone


Armed with 36 items, match pairs together to create something new.  You begin with no knowledge of what to create or how to create it, but through

experimentation, intuition, and research, you will discover combinations that work.  There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of recipes and items

hidden within this game.  Unlock as many as you can, plus you can work out more efficient ways to reach pieces faster to improve your records.

I was working on something that wasn't meant to be a game, but as it grew it really started to lend itself to being an interesting puzzle.  I'm posting it to see whether the idea appeals to anyone.  It could be fun... it could be boring... I suppose it will depend on the type of stuff the player likes.  Unlike most puzzles, you are given very little direction.  Start out with simple guess and check until you've created a few new pieces.  Onc e you've figured out a few by accident, you will get the idea and should have an easier time solving more.

Discovering a new item unlocks an achievement, and the game contains literally hundreds of them.  There are also hundreds of recipes to figure out, so this isn't the sort of puzzle a person will sit down and totally finish in an evening.

I do encourage players to brag about the achievements they've unlocked, but please don't publicly post recipes.  A player who doesn't want the surprises spoiled could accidentally stumble upon them, and that's never fun.  Telling someone that you've just unlocked a forth piece in the "hunter collection" is totally fine, as is sharing a specific item you've just figured out how to make.  That sort of stuff encourages others to unlock the same thing, but doesn't ruin the run of trying to figure it out.


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