Bombarded with Windows Updates

Hello peeps. I've been trying and trying to get help with a nagging computer issue, but thus far I've had absolutely no luck. My desktop machine has been totally bombarded with Windows updates. I changed the setting to only notify me when new updates are available, but not download and install them. But Windows Vista for whatever reason seems to think it can override that change and I'll be cool. I've also noticed this issue with a sister's desktop machine, and she is running Windows 2003 or Xp but I forget which one. Both of us use Microsoft Security Essentials and initially I thought it might be giving us all the updates, but it turns out to be other seemingly unnecessary stuff such as Silverlite which as far as I know isn't even accessible with screen readers. I guess what I want to know is this: is there somewhere I can go to get the skinny on all these updates and what and why, et cetera? I have gone to the FAQ in Windows Update but is there anot her, relatively non-technical place where one can obtain this information? These updates have been occurring so frequently that once my machine is re-started, more updates become available and some of them don't even install properly. I've had this machine since November 2007, so I'm wondering if perhaps that could be part of the issue? As previously mentioned here a few times I'm supposed to be getting a refurbished Toshiba laptop, but I honestly don't know when or even if that offer still stands. It seems people have been dragging their feet. Any assistance greatly appreciated.


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