Re: symbolic representation of disabilities, what do you think?

@Brad, working on stopping those sorts of habbits is as I said helpful, especially in serious situations.

While people may allow you a little leeway for say tapping your fingers while listening to music on headphones (something I've done myself), ie, when there is a visible cause for your gesture, just rocking in place or with no other concept would not generally be good.

Interestingly enough I had an audio equivolent of this at music school. There was a girl who would at times in conversation immit a loud, quite affected laugh, an arpeggio in the key of C, (or occasionally B flat). This she did at unprompted times, often as the response to a comment. People did remark how irritating they found this, and how they believed she was "weerd" for doing it, even though to me it was fairly clear this was a nervous gesture and said girl had something wrong, ---- perhaps intensive social phobia, perhaps something else, I don't know, so I took it with a pinc h of salt. Still, there was no denying this gesture of hers clearly affected the way other people thought of her and her interactions. This possibly gives an idea of how rocking or spinning or other gestures appear to sighted people.

I also agree on blind schools, indeed as I said, mine was an entirely negative experience. It didn't help that the teacher could've been a model for prof umbridge and had a particular dislike for me as the person who wouldn't just sit down and obey something because it was the rules or act the good little blind boy.

@slj, it's those sorts of situations I mean, (and that man dam well deserved a twisted ancle, see my above comment about tasers). I have been known to tell people quite pointedly to get their insert expletive hands off me, especially if I end up panicking. This is actually one major advantage of having a guide dog, for some reason people do it far less, and though I do still get verbal requests of the "d o you need a hand across the road" type they are verbal and I can respond politely.


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