Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough

I will edit this as new sections of the guide are ready. I'm not sure when this will get updated again. I decided to do audio demonstrations of the game, basically playthroughs with plot translation included. So I think what I'll do is play the other two games in audio first, and probably write guides for them as well. However, I'm going to post this first section which explains a lot of the mechanics and is basically a small ReadMe for now.


Bokurano Daiboukenn 3: Comprehensive Walkthrough

By Bladestorm360

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Getting Started

3. The Basics

4. The walkthrough

5. Lists

6. Secrets


1. Introduction:

Welcome to my Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 FAQ and Walkthrough. In this guide, I will be detailing the mechanics of the game and walking you through every stage.

Bokurano Daiboukenn 3, which I will call BK3 from this point on, is an absolutely incredible game. It takes everything that was great about BK1 and 2, and combines them into one massive and very difficult game that puts just about every other audiogame on the market to shame. The plot is great, and many of the stages are very advanced. You might think, how advanced can it be, it's a side scroller. Won't it be pretty straightforward like BK2? Well, I guess you'll just have to play and find out. This guide will help you along the way if necessary.

Please note that this guide contains many, many spoilers. Even the basic section will have some content spoilers in it. So do not read this guide if you'd rather figure out everything for yourself. There will be no real plot spoilers in this guide, however. That will be left up to you to translate and make sense of yourself.


2. Getting Started:

First and foremost, you'll need to set your computer up to play japanese games, and understand them. In order to do this, you can use my japanese games guide: … 0Guide.txt

This guide should get you all set up to play. Then of course you'll need the game itself. You can find it at:

Note that the game will not download properly if you click on the download link with a translator, such as google translate. You'll need to go to the actual page itself, and click on the last link to get the download started. Once it's complete, you simply need to run the installer to extract the game. If you run it with AppLocale, the japanese characters in the folder structure will display properly, but if you don't care about such things, you can just extract it normally and the game will still play fine.

It is very useful to have Clipboard2Sapi active while playing this game. This way you can hear things like your HP value, stamina value and coordinates in realtime without having to waste time with extra keystrokes during gameplay.

When you first start the game, there will not be any text output to the clipboard. To set BK3 up to output text to the clipboard so it can be translated, once the game is started, wait for the logo to finish playing. You should now be in the main menu. Press the end key, then press up once and hit enter. You will now be in settings. Arrow down twice and press enter. Now press home and enter. You should now be getting translateable text. Go to the end of the settings menu and save your settings.

You should now be ready to play.


3. The Basics:

BK3 has many advanced features that set it apart from it's prequel. This section of the guide will attempt to describe in detail the ones used most often. There are tutorials in the game that demonstrate how to do nearly all of this, but if you need further help, read on.

3.1. Keys:

Left and right arrow keys: Run to the left or right. Speed up or slow down your fighter during flight missions.

Up Arrow: Jump. Climb up ladders. Causes your fighter to ascend during flight missions.

Down Arrow: Use equipped armor. Climb down ladders. Causes your fighter to descend during flight missions.

Shift plus left and right arrows: Changes your fighters direction during flight missions.

Control: By default, hold to walk.

Space Bar: Use currently equipped weapon.

Shift Key: Reload currently equipped weapon where applicable.

Enter Key: Interact with or pick up objects.

1 and 2: switch equipped weapons.

Tab: Open the sub menu.

Q: Announce coordinates.

W: Open the weapons menu.

E: Open the combat log.

R: Switches weapon modes. Releases ladder and grappling hook.

T: Opens target menu where applicable.

Y: Announces stamina.

I: Opens items menu.

O: Turns on and off sonar.

S: Open armor menu.

D: Open object locator menu.

F: Launch grappling hook.

G: Camera.

h: Announces Hit Points.

l: Opens level up screen.

X: Opens strategy items menu.

C: Opens collection items menu.



3.2. Menues:

3.2.1. Main Menu:

Load Saved data: This will allow you to load a previously saved game.

Create New Data: This lets you start a new game.

Check for Updates: This checks to see if there are any new versions of the game, and lets you choose whether or not you want to update. Updates are downloaded and installed for you.

Preferences: This lets you modify the game's settings.

End Game: This closes the game.

3.2.2. Data Menu:

Stage Selection: Takes you to the stage selection screen.

Items: Lets you view your items.

Strategy Items: Allows you to view your strategy items.

Collection Items: View your collection items.

Weapons: List your currently available weapons.

Armor: View your available armor.

Data Management: You can change the slot your game is saved in and your name here.

Preferences: Modify the game's settings.

End Game: Closes the game.

3.3.3. The Sub Menu:

The sub menu is a menu that you can open during a level by pressing the tab key. It has several different options:

Status: This will let you view your status in detail, including your current HP and stamina, attack and defense values, coordinates and so on.

Items: This will open the items menu.

Strategy Items: This will open the strategy items menu.

Collection Items: This will open the collection items menu.

Equip Weapon: This will open the weapons menu and allow you to select one to be equipped.

Hand Held Weapons: This will allow you to equip weapons to the numbers 1 and 2 for quick activation.

Object Locator: This will bring up the object locator.

Stage Interrupt: This lets you back out of a stage quickly. You do not get to keep any items or coins you've earned during that stage. It's basically the same as getting a game over.

Preferences: This lets you modify the game settings.

End Game: This closes the game.

Exit Menu: This closes the sub menu. Can also be done with the escape key.

3.3.4. The Combat Log:

By pressing E during the game, you can access the combat log. This isn't really a menu, but instead it shows various things, such as how much damage you've dealt or taken from an enemy, how much experience an enemy is worth, and when you level up.


3.3. Experience Levels and Statistics:

Unlike in BK2, in this game each enemy is worth experience. When you accumulate enough experience, you will level up. When this happens, you will hear a chime signifying that you have just gained a level. You can then press the L key to open the level up screen and distribute a number of points amongst your 5 statistics.

Attack: This number is added to any melee weapon's attack value to determine how much damage you deal to an enemy. An enemy's defense value is subtracted from your attack value. If an enemy has high enough defense, it is possible to do 0 damage.

Defense: This stat helps you take less damage. This is subtracted from an enemy's attack value. I've never seen an enemy attack do 0 damage, but with enough defense, I assume it's possible.

Tech: This determines what weapons and armor you can equip. If your tech is too low, you will find yourself with a very limited selection of usable equipment.

Hitpoints: Also known as HP, this is how much damage you can take before you die.

Stamina: Melee weapons use stamina when you attack with them. As your stamina gets lower, your character will move much slower. If you run out of stamina completely, your character will fall to the ground and be stunned for a long time, so be very careful to keep an eye on your stamina.

You start with 10 points to distribute per level, but every 20 levels or so, you will gain an additional point per level. So for example:

Levels 1-20: 10 points

Levels 20-40: 11 points

Levels 41-60: 12 points

And so on. Be sure not to prioritize one stat over another too much, all of them are important to your success during the game. I have found that attack and defense are most useful early on, but be sure to raise your other stats as well.

You can only open the level up screen while actively playing a level.


3.4. Movement.

This game uses a system of coordinates to keep track of your movement. The first coordinate tells you how far along the stage you are to the left or right. The second shows how high in elevation you are. For example, if you see coordinates 50, 13, this means that you are 50 steps along the stage to the right, and 13 coordinates up in the air. You will not always be moving along the bottom of the stage at height 0, many stages have different levels you can get to using platforms, ladders and other means.

3.4.1. Normal Movement:

You can move to the left or right by pressing the corresponding key to the direction you want to go in. If you press the opposite direction to the one you are currently facing, your character will turn around before walking the other way, so keep this in mind when you need to move quickly.

You can jump by pressing the up arrow key. Your character will jump up to 3 squares in the air. You can move freely to the left or right while in the air, though you will still have to turn around first to move in the opposite direction. I recommend you make sure you are facing the way you want to move before you jump, or you will shorten the distance you can jump by quite a bit.

3.4.2. Flight:

During certain stages, you will be required to pilot a fighter called Sky Racer. The movement controls are much different here.

3.5. Armor:

Armor makes a re-appearance from BK1, and a very useful one at that. While playing a level, you will first need to press the S key to bring up your armor menu. You then select which armor you want equipped. After it is equipped, you can press and hold the down arrow key to raise your current armor, which will usually be a shield of some kind. Shields will normally only block incoming attacks from the direction you are facing, though there exist a few armors that will block attacks from any direction.

Shields have 4 statistics. I will list them in order as they are displayed on the armor:

Durability: This is the shield's HP. If this runs out, the shield will shatter and you'll be left vulnerable. Be very careful of this, because when a shield shatters, you are left open to 4 times the damage you would normally take for a while.

Defense: This is how much defense the shield has. This works just like player defense.

Maximum Damage: This is the maximum amount of damage the shield can protect from. If your shield is hit for more than this number, the rest of the damage will go to the player.

Tech: This is how much tech you need to equip the shield.

You can not move or turn while your shield is raised, but you can still jump. Be aware of this when blocking attacks.


3.6. Weapons:

There are two types of weapons in BK3; melee and ranged. Melee weapons are generally stronger, but obviously require you to be much closer to an enemy to use them. They also generally have a stamina cost, as I said earlier. They have the advantage of combining your attack value with theirs to make them even stronger. Ranged weapons are usually weaker and do not add your attack power to their own with a few exceptions, but they have advantages as well. Some can ignore defense or fire very rapidly.

Weapons have several important stats. Not all weapons are listed with all stats, some have no stats listed at all. I will list and describe them all and how they are used:

Attack: This is the weapon's attack power. It works just as the player's attack power does.

Multiplier: I believe this stat signifies how much your attack power modifies it's own. For example, if this stat was 1, your attack power would be added directly to the weapon's own. If it were 2, your attack power would be multiplied by 2 and then added.

Tech: This is how much tech is necessary to equip the weapon.

Stamina Cost: This is how much stamina the weapon costs per swing. This applies only to melee weapons.

Vertical Attack Range: Very few weapons have this. But if they do, it means that the weapon can hit above or below you as well as straight in front. For example, if a weapon had a vertical attack range of 6, that means that it will hit 6 squares above and below you whenever you swing it. These hit straight in front of you as well, it's just that they can also hit things in the air or slightly below you.

Technical Enhancement: This is another rare statistic. Instead of your attack power being added to a weapon, your tech is multiplied and added instead.

Capacity: This is how much amunition a weapon can hold before it needs to be reloaded. This applies only to guns.

As you can see, weapons are quite complex. Ranged weapons, even those without a capacity stat such as the pachinko, almost always need amunition. For guns that have a capacity stat, you can carry more amunition than the gun's capacity, and when it runs out, you'll need to reload it with the shift key. Reloading takes time, during which you can not fire the gun. Some ranged weapons can be fired rapidly by holding down the space bar. Some weapons also have alternate modes that can be accessed with the R key.


3.7. Items:

There are 3 types of items in the game. Regular items, strategy items, and collection items.

Regular items, just called items, are things like healing items, stamina restoratives, and stat increasing items. You can use these by pressing the I key during a level and selecting the item you want.

Strategy items are items that can help you out in many ways, such as mines, throwing knives and temporary stat increasing items. Projectiles can usually be thrown in different ways. For example, if you select a throwing knife, you have the option to throw it straight forward, or to throw it at several different heights if you're plagued by an aerial enemy. Note that while using a timed item, such as a defense drink, they will generally activate for 30 seconds. While the item is active, you can not use another strategy item.

Collection items are things like your collected coins, amunition and various other miscellaneous things you'll find around the game. These can actually be very useful. For example, say a boss you just defeated dropped a piece of paper. Want to see what's written on that paper? Pick it up, find it in your collection items and select it with enter. This is how you'll obtain security codes to doors and other useful things.

3.8. Object Locator and Camera:

These are two of the more complex, yet the two most useful utilities in the game. If you want to have any luck beating the game, use these often.

The object locator can be accessed during a level by pressing the D key. This will list all enemies and objects currently on the stage, and what coordinates they're at. It may also list additional information about an enemy, such as which direction a guard is patroling in a stealth mission, or whether or not an enemy has a forcefield active. Unlike in BK2, many items that you can pick up do not make a sound, so the only way you can find them is with the object locator. Most interactive objects make sound, but in longer levels, it can still be very useful to know exactly where things are at.

You can use your camera by holding down the G key. You then control it with the arrow keys. This allows you to examine surrounding terrain and will be very useful for finding platforms and jumping over gaps. Normally, the camera will make a chirping sound. This indicates either that you're going over the terrain at 0, or that there's nothing there. If you get a lower pitched beep, that means that there is a wall or walkway you're going over with the camera. If you get the same beep, but it ends with asecond, lower beep, that means that there's a wall or walkway that the grappling hook can not attach to.


4. The Walkthrough

Now we get to the meat and potatoes of the guide. But first, some general tips.

1. Use your object locator and camera. I can not stress this enough. Do not rely on sounds alone to try to get through the game. There are parts of the game later on where these will be absolutely necessary. If you get used to using them early on, you won't have to adjust.

2. If you can, translate the game. Translation is not perfect, but reading the text before stages will usually tell you what to do during them, and there are many stages where things are not obvious. Plus, the game has a great plot.

3. Most attacks can be avoided by jumping, but be careful. In this game, attacks can come from different heights. In BK2, things were mostly limited to height 0 or height 1. Make good use of your shield.

4. The game is paused when you open any menu, including the object locator. Use this to your advantage. If an enemy just launched a missile at you and you're not sure whether or not you can jump it or what height it's at, use the locator. The game is not paused when you use the camera, however.

5. This game has bosses much more similar to those found in mainstream games. In other words, they take strategy to beat, unlike in many other audiogames where you can just whack away at them. Many bosses will react in some way when struck, such as unleashing a powerful attack that you need to avoid, or flying to a different height where they are unreachable and attacking from there for a while. Keep this in mind when fighting bosses.

Second, during the coarse of this walkthrough, I'm not going to describe how to acquire secret weapons. I will do that in another section.


I left the walkthrough section in for now because of the tips. I hope this helps people out.


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