Be featured in the next battle zone game!

Yes, that topic title isn't lying. If you've been reading my tweets lately, you'll know I'm working on a new sequel to battle zone. I should have a tech demo out soon. I refuse to answer any questions about the game on this forum thread until the tech demo is released. You can dm or mention me on twitter with any questions. But the real reason this topic is here is because you can submit your voice to be included as an unlockable enemy in the game. The submission is similar to the swamp voice submission. The instructions are as follows:

Do you want to be featured as an enemy in battle zone?
If so, read this document, which will detail the requirements on submitting a voice pack to the developer.

recording equipment: headset mic or desktop microphone, preferably USB. No laptop internal microphones. If you aren't sure about if your microphone will make the cut, send me a test file where you say something into your microphone to via one of my contact methods listed at the end of the document.
Try and minimize echo during your recording session by recording in a room with carpeting, or that has hanging cloth to absorb the echo. A closet full of clothes is usually good, or if your living space has carpeted rooms, use those.
Record your voice pack during a single session. If you need to take a break like to drink water, don't move the recording equipment. Don't pause the recording equipment either.
Leave some silence between lines, so that I can split them more easily. This will also let me get rid of background noise.
Please record several variations of each line. I will use up to 16 line variations when creating the final voice pack. Record at least 4 variations, in case some of them are unuseable for any reason.
Please send a single raw unedited file for your voice pack. I'll do all the editing. Do not split your voice files. I will not include your voice pack if I have to expend extra effort to try and remove background noise from the recordings.
No bloopers or outtakes will be heard by the public. Individual voice files will not be accessible to the public either. I will encrypt all the files, along with all other sound files in the game, so that they cannot be stolen. They can be replaced with unencrypted files by prospective modders who want to change the game's sounds.
You can submit as many voice packs as you want. Please send each as a separate file.

lines to record. Examples are proceeded by a colon:
Sight player (Said when the player is first spotted by the enemy. A short sentence.): "There he is!", "You will die now!", "It's time to die!", "haha there he is!" "I see his ugly mug!"
routine taunt (said after the enemy has already spotted the player and is rushing to the attack. Short Sentence.): "You will die!" "Take this!", "you're so dead!" "You suck!" "Victory shall be mine!"
Victory taunt (said is the enemy kills the player. It can be a lot longer than the other taunts.): "[[wow]], that was easier than I thought." " I just gotta clean the blood off my weapons." "He's dead." "Looks like I'm getting a pay raise." "Any last words?"
light pain grunt: A quick 1-sylible grunt of pain, for when minimal damage is dealt.
medium pain grunt: a bit longer than light pain grunt, for when a fair amount of damage was dealt.
heavy pain grunt: Longer than medium pain grunt, this often takes the form of a drawn out scream, with optional throat or cough sounds. For when the amount of damage dealt would kill if it were dealt again.
note: please give multiple grunts for each pain type.
death: you have died. Usually takes the form of gasps, choked sighing, or an even longer drawn out scream than the pain sounds. All de ath sounds should fade away to nothing after 1 to 3 seconds as  they will be overlayed by a body drop sound in the game.
falling: A long, drawn out scream, for when this enemy falls into a pit.

Sending your voice pack
Please send the voice pack in wav, mp3, flac or ogg format. You can use the following ways to let me know where to find it:
Mention or send a DM to me on twitter @theGreatAthlon5 with a link to the pack.
send a link to me via email at
mudmail my alter aeon character, Athlon,
PM me on

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