Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

If I were Aprone, I'd be totally exhausted right now with Swamp. All the countless hours that goes towards fixing these bugs, and for what purpose? for people to eventually find and abuse even more stuff? On the other hand, he was really happy when he was creating smaller offline games. If that's what he wishes to do, he should keep it up! Many people enjoy these smaller releases. Swamp is just so full of unfair glitched cheated chars I don't even have fun anymore, thus I don't really play it. I logged on for the Christmas event, but unless a full reset took place and Aprone implemented some sort of way to track server changes and reject any possible game tampering, then I don't see me having much fun with the game again. Something like this would probably require some sort of rewrite, which I doubt Aprone's willing to do.
If anyone's to blame for the state of Swamp right now, it's the playerbase. Not all of them obviously, but people k now who they are. Put yourself in Aprone's shoes right now. What would it be like to log into Skype, and immediately get hundreds of messages to this effect: AProne, I lost my leather jacket. AProne, I lost 10 7.62mm ammo, replace immediately! Aprone, people are being mean to me. Aprone, Aprone. Aaaaaaprrrrrronnnnnnne! answer meeeee! AProne you're ignoring me! I was hacked Aprone. arg. And this goes on, and on, and on, for months, and years. And Aprone patiently takes it, and restores chars, and restores server from backups, and spends tons of hours fixing bugs, over and over and over again. No end in sight. What would you guys do in that situation? Would you take a little break, I wonder? I'd probably toss my computer out the nearest window if I had to deal with that garbage. Answer me this people: when you talk to Aprone, who are you actually talking to? Is it simply Aprone the audio game developer, or Jeremy Kaldobsky, the human being with rights, and a family and responsibilities? I wonder: during the holidays, how many locals have actually Skyped him and said yo Jeremy, what up man? Wanna come over for a drink or something and chill a bit? Perhaps even given him a little gift that isn't the 12 dollars they pay to renew Swamp?

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