Re: My new website, any suggestions?

I have yet to check out your server, I just thought I'd offer a few useful tips that you may need to know.
Though is great in practice, your going to run into some issues in the long run that I feel I should warn you about.
1. 30 day renewal.
It's annoying. Its understandable, but annoying for you, the site owner. Don't renew that ddns masking the IP your site is on? Boom there goes the site.
2. Data limits?
I have absolutely no idea on this, but it sort of makes sense that a man in the middle server, which ddns sort of is, wouldn't allow you to send thousands and thousands of megs of data per day.
So, as for the data thing, put your big files somewhere you know they are easy to get a hold of, have understandable and decent data limits, and don't expire almost immediately.
3. Do your best at purchasing your very own domain name or website.
Seriously. It's rewarding as all fuck. Ima gine your 24 and you've just bought yourself your own house, that's mostly all yours. You make your own rules, you invite your own guests, and you do what you want because its your home.
That, translates almost perfectly to this example here.
It is your website. You host your own content no forced adds or popups or any other annoyances.
With this though, you still need to find some sort of good file hosting services, because ahem, most web hosting providers don't provide you with actual unlimited data (storage), or even at least unlimited data streams (downloads).
For example, with a small orange, I only get about I think its 512 mb or 1 gb actual storage. So, trying to store a few games, and maybe a few recordings on my server proves incredibly difficult.
Although, I must be honest they make up for it with 24 7 customer support by phone or chat, few hosting companies actually do that.
Hope this helps

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