Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

from a stand point of some one that is responsible for managing a companies computers,
and who has the difficult job to deal with end users that just wants things to work, that does not  know, or care about how it works, who constantly has to be reminded not to open any weird emails they get. just because there's a fancy photo attached to it.
from. trying to convince them not, to, install any updates if the computer prompts them to do so.
since there quick books software will stop working.
to backing up said pc's every week.
and to manually have to go through all 109 updates, to insure no crap ware gets on the pc's to convert them to windows 10.
sigh, it gets bad.
and with that, welcome to my job. managing windows 8.1
for the life of me, I am not sure why all of you are bashing windows7 since it is way more stable. and for me, out of a IT stand point functions much better. sure it is getting old in the teeth. and perhap s 8.1 is in my mind, the last, utter last, successor of windows that I can say, functions well.
before Microsoft decided to try and play the game apple plays.
Microsoft is a child when it comes to trying to auto update all there 200 million devices. with out a hitch.
they can't seem to understand that, concept. now forcing small businesses to upgrade, no, never. I can't
even begin to imagine the hell,  I'll have on my hands.
as for those who complains of not being able to install windows,
perhaps it is time to pull a sighted friend closer, let them teach you once how to do it, and memorize it.
windows xp rite up to windows 10 can be installed by my self no assistance needed.
so, I do proclaim, that it is indeed possible.
as for windows 10,  I am doing my best to keep it away from my business machines.
Microsoft is trying to use a sheep approach ware, they decide what is best for users. they feeding the co ncept of. you do not have to know how it works. just relax, we'll make it all work for you. we'll hold your hand. do not read, do not worry. just click, click, click. and say yes, yes yes.
God what have many of us humans become.
I fear to see us 30 years from now.
I am beginning to think, that, some one, who once said. technology shall be the downfall of mankind, is starting to be rite.
do forgive my morbid ranting here,
but I agree that, win10 is not on.
fancier eye candy, no thanks, 1 second faster boot, really, no thanks,
a imitation of seri, no thanks as well.
Microsoft is piling on all the featchers making every successor of windows look like a bloated glorified shiny toy.
when they forgetting the core functionality.
how to be responsive, fast, efficient. and helpful.
note, I exclude holding your hand and denying you permissions. and over simplifying things. as efficient.
it seems they really are serious a bout there goal to either have 1 billion devices running windows10.
or going bust.
they don't seem to mind playing dirty to get at that goal.
as for apple devices, I cannot see my self spending over 40 thousand rand to buy it, for that amount of money i can build my self a monster of a windows pc. dooing exactly what i wish it to do. and do it only that way. how ever that is only my opinion.
i do how ever wish, I had the
opportunity to understand and check out and work with a apple device, for that kind of money to understand why so many of you wishes to use it.
i do also agree though, skype is becoming a mess on windows.
alot of things is becoming way more  difficult to use, when it  need not be.
honestly, if you asked me whitch OS to use between windows, xp and 10,
i'd say stick with windows7, why, because it does what you'll want it to do.
if you don't connect to internet, then stick to xp.
but there's to many things that xp can't do these days. that makes my hair stand up just thinking of running it. on my stuff here.
Secuirity comes to mind,
miner file system incompatibility comes to mind. and much more.

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