Re: i want softvoice tts for n v d a

Just listened to the shit talker app.
Hmmm its really old.
It sounds simular to the espeak system.
It may be possible at least to have it rendered as such.
I am not sure about all the voices espeak being a small footprint system could work and or maybe pico or festival all are opensource units.
I doubt vary much though that we could 1 run it on any modern os bar xp maybe it using vb3 runtimes sertainly not 64 bit.
I had a look at it and speech was nice but who knows.
I have posted the question at the nvda list but maybe if you ask them directly and say what it is maybe there could be an alternit I am just a user.
However every dev sorce hacker tester and general hacker exists on the list including the list admins which have direct contact with the master programmers so if there are any issues at least you may get something.
the other thing you could do is to go to and creat e a support ticket which is posted to the project commit server.
That commit has access to all would be devs hackers and the like and users if they want them.
I know there are probably some hackers on here not sure about the nvda system though.
the other thing you could would to subscribe to the nvda-addons list I forget the address for now however every addon maker is on there.
If you want to become a hacker, you will need to know python, and download the appropriate libs. is where you get python nvaccess do have a dev section on their site.
There is also a source distribution of the system either on cvs or git and a source package of everything but I have never seen it.
anyway we will see where this will go.
probably not that far but even so.


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