Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

I feel I need to apologise as essentially the main advocate for KI accessibility (or rather the original) as others have followed in my wakeand say that I should've followed this topic more closely.

@Rattlehead, I'd be very happy to train you once I have the time relatively free - I'll let you know when that is.

I won't give my gamertag out here, but I'll add those who have their new tags on here (and you can add me in return).  That way, I know who I've added and I don't have to worry about people randomly adding me from the forum without me letting them have the tag.

I'll say this, don't ignore the possibility of a PC accessible version. The guys at IG listened to me when I ranted on their forums during season 2 and added in the audio options as a consequence a few patches later, I'm in contact with invidiausl and am trying to get a few things going (though I can't say what, and won't even i f you ask me what they are).  As the saying sometimes goes, with Killer Instinct, Never give up, Never give in, Never surrender and Never go down without a fight.  Basically, @Seal and @Assault, it's not over till it's over and I'm surprised that you two are both judging so harshly a developer who has been the most transparent with regards to near enough everything they do.  For example, NRS Only added their access in because Rattlehead was at Evo (or a similar event) and was able to talk to them in person.  However, IG went one step further and hadded in extra cues later down the line, changing them based on fan feedback etc.  Moreover, they release actual detailed patch notes that are useful, in comparison to NRS' convoluted attempts.  Finally, KI's DLC track record (in terms of installation proceedures within the time I've played their game) have been nearperfect, whereas NRS, time and time again, have really made a moun tain out of a molehill, sometimes leaving players stranded for days at a time without the DLC character recently released.

Enough about NRS VS IG though, I'll just say that if you guys want help and I'm free to train with you, I'll be happy to try and impart knowledge that I've picked up.

I was thinking about organising an event at some point when we're all free, where we all fight in a lobby as blind/VI players and would be willing to look into running it when if there's enough interest.

I look forward to fighting with you all in the coming months.

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