Re: REquesting Window eyes assistance

Hi Dark.

As you know, I'm not often in Windows nowadays, so I apologise if any of this turns out to be wrong, but here is what I remember from my glorious past as a Window-Eyes advocate. smile

Control-Shift-W reads the entire window.

The WE cursor is an invisible cursor. The mouse cursor moves the mouse. Use the numpad to move the respective cursors once selected: 8 is up, 2 is down, 4 is left, 6 is right. I think I also remember that numpad slash is left-click, and numpad star is right.

This should be adequate to get you navigating about. Press Control-backslash to open up Window-Eyes itself. There the Help menu takes you to the important documentation for the rest of the system (which is, FWIW, quite considerable). It's not unreasonable to say that Window-Eyes is a highly manual screen reader, compared to its rivals.

I hope this is sufficient to ge t you going and I'm glad you're doing well.

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