Re: Street Fighter V Official thread

here is a list of the current rosters v skills/v triggers

Let’s start off with a few definitions. V-Skills are one of the many parts of gameplay that makes a character unique, and accentuates their given archetype. They can be performed at any time by pressing MP+MK, and do a great job of building V-Meter. V-Triggers, on the other hand, can only be activated once the V-Meter is full. They generally provide a boost in abilities that differs from character to character. Each one is tied to a timer that slowly drains.

Now let’s get into character specifics.


V-Skill – Mind’s Eye

Ryu’s V-Skill, Mind’s Eye, is essentially a simplified version of Street Fighter III’s parries. All attacks can be countered in this way, even those that hit more than once if you use proper timing. Each blow Ryu parries will add to his V-Meter.


V-Trigger – Denjin Reiki

Denjin Renki gives Ryu access to powerful hadoukens that are quicker, deal increased damage, and build stun at a higher rate thanks to their electrical charge. Fireballs can also be charged, giving them the ability to dole even more pain as well as guard break blocking opponents. These buffs also apply to his Shinku Hadouken, transforming it into the mega-powerful Denjin Hadouken.



V-Skill – Rankyaku

Chun-Li’s Ranyaku is a special jump that rises at a lower angle their her regular jump. On the way down, she can use aerial attacks, including specials like her airborne Hyakuretsukyaku.


V-Trigger – Renkiko

Renkiko gives Chun-Li additional hits on her normal attacks tied to a timer. While lights aren’t adjusted, mediums get one extra hit and heavies get two. Specials don’t receive any benefits.



V-Skill – Bullet Clear

Much like Ryu’s V-Skill, Bullet Clear provides Nash with a reliable way to counter projectiles by literally absorbing their power. If he’s close enough to the opponent, Bullet Clear will damage the opponent. Both functions add to his V-Meter.


V-Trigger – Sonic Move

Nash’s Sonic Move is a teleport that places the Alpha veteran in a different position depending on the accompanying input. Nash can appear behind the opponent on the ground, behind them in the air, or in front of them in the air, and is able to act as soon as he becomes visible.


M. Bison

V-Skill – Psycho Reflect

Another projectile absorption technique, Psycho Reflect gives M. Bison the added benefit of a retaliatory fireball of his own should players continue to hold the buttons down. The dictator can also absorb regular attacks.


V-Trigger – Psycho Power

Upon activating Psycho Power, M. Bison’s dash is given teleportation properties that make it capable of passing through fireballs and other forms of offense. Additionally, his Somersault Skull Diver and Double Knee Press specials cause him to disappear, making them more difficult to properly gauge.



V-Skill – Axel Spin Knuckle

The former Bison Doll’s Axel Spin Knuckle returns in Street Fighter V, now bound to the V-Skill input. Like before, it passes through projectiles, and Cammy will even pass through opponents should she be close enough.


V-Trigger – Delta Drive

Cammy gets added damage and hits on her special moves with Delta Drive, increasing her ability to smother opponents with her unrelenting pressure.



V-Skill – Break Time

Birdie’s V-Skill comes in three different flavors. At neutral, the gluttonous fighter munches down on a donut for a large V-Meter boost, holding down gives him a small V-Meter boost as well as a rolling projectile, and holding back places a banana peel on the ground that can trip opponents and set up combo opportunities.


V-Trigger – Enjoy Time

Eating the Enjoy Time pepper provides Birdie with increased range on his specials while also adding armor and damage. The burst of fire at the beginning can hit airborne opponents and extend combos.



V-Skill – Quick Step

Quick Step allows Ken to close distance on the opponent with a short run. Near the end, he can input attacks, including his step kick.


V-Trigger – Heat Rush

The flames channeled by Heat Rush power up Ken’s special attacks with more damage and hits, and the altered trajectory provides different combo opportunities.



V-Skill – Culminated Power

Similar to C. Viper in Street Fighter IV, Necalli’s V-Skill is a ground pound with a varying range that depends on which direction you hold.


V-Trigger – Torrent of Power

More than any other V-Trigger, this turns Necalli into a much different character, opening up combo possibilities thanks to his improved frame data and unique Critical Art.



V-Skill – Matador Turn

Building on his legacy as a tricky fighter, Vega’s V-Skill first dodges the opponent’s attack before launching a counter. The counter can be canceled by immediately pressing another button.


V-Trigger – Bloody Kiss

Vega throws a rose that, on hit, sees him follow up with a series of attacks that can be utilized as a combo extender. This can be done while crouching for an anti-air rose as well as during a forward jump.


R. Mika

V-Skill – Mic Performance

Like any professional wrestler worth their salt, R. Mika’s mic skills are impeccable. Her V-Skill allows her to give a blistering speech on any number of topics, powering up her throws along the way. The longer the inputs are held, the stronger she gets, and a single hit of armor gives players some leeway. When the buttons are let go, R. Mika tosses the microphone at her opponent.


V-Trigger – Nadeshiko

R. Mika’s tag-team partner Nadeshiko becomes an assist with this V-Trigger, and is capable of attacking from three different angles depending on the direction that’s held. Neutral is a body splash from the top of the screen, back is a drop kick from the front, and forward is a drop kick from behind.



V-Skill – Front Flip, Rolling Assault

Rashid is unique in that he essentially has two separate V-Skills. The first, Front Flip, is exactly that: the Arab fighter flips forward, during which players can press kick for a divekick.


Rolling Assault, on the other hand, is a quick forward roll that is capable of transitioning into an upward kick.


V-Trigger – Ysaar

If traps and oki are your thing, you’re going to get a lot of out Rashid’s V-Trigger. The cyclone it produces moves forward slowly and damages the opponent, but Rashid can also use it to increase his momentum.



V-Skill – Meioken

Karin’s V-Skill is a palm strike that can dissipate projectiles and knock down the opponent. Holding the inputs will charge the move for beneficial hit and block properties.


V-Trigger – Kanzuki-Ryu Guren no Kata

Fans of previous Karin incarnations will likely get a lot of mileage out of her V-Trigger, as it opens up her true, variable fighting style. After the opening attack, Karin can transition into a number of different attacks, including an overhead, a sweep, a backdash, and more.



V-Skill – Iron Muscle

What would Zangief be without a silly pose? With his V-Skill, the Russian grappler can absorb one hit (which translates into recoverable health loss). Holding the buttons lets Zangief walk forward slowly, and he’ll pose once more when the input is released, damaging the opponent if they are close enough.


V-Trigger – Cyclone Lariat

As a grappler, Zangief wants to be as close to his enemies as possible. Fortunately, his V-Trigger sucks in the opposing player and lands multiple attacks should the buttons be held.



V-Skill – Linear Movement

As the name implies, Laura’s V-Skill is all about spacing. Holding back sees the newcomer dodge backwards, while forward results in a quick forward dash. You can also play mind games with opponents by keeping your stick at neutral, which translates into an overhead kick.


V-Trigger – Spark Show

Although Blanka has yet to make an appearance in Street Fighter V, Laura upholds both his Brazilian heritage and skills with electricity. Spark Show improves stun on a number of Laura’s attacks, gives her projectile added range, and increases the distance she travels with her V-Skill.



V-Skill – Yoga Float

While he’s already a rather floaty fighter, Dhalsim’s V-Skill takes that a step further by giving him the ability to hang above the ground for a few more seconds, during which all of his air attacks and specials are at his disposal.


V-Trigger – Yoga Burner

Doing his best Dormammu impression, Dhalsim lays down a carpet of flame when his V-Trigger is activated. Opponents standing in the fire will take continual (but recoverable) damage. The initial hit also deals damage and knockdown.



V-Skill – Nishodoku

F.A.N.G’s V-Skill produces a slow-moving projectile. While it doesn’t result in any direct damage, it does apply a poison status to the opponent that slowly drains their life. Additionally, Nishodoku doesn’t interact with other projectiles or even inflict hit stun on its victim.


V-Trigger – Dokunomu

Continuing with the poison theme, Dokunomu surrounds F.A.N.G with a toxic cloud that damages nearby opponents.


Hopefully this helped clear up any confusion that was still out there. Feel free to let us know your strategic implementations of these mechanics in the comments.

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