Re: all spoonbill software games

Hello and good morning, hey, that brings back some nostalgic moments, I requested the Uno game back in 2010 or 2009, I am not actualy sure on that, but I still remember that I really liked this game, I also ordered that breakout game which was not accessible sadly, but it was still fun to listen to when my sighted friend played the game.
I actualy don't know what to think about the matter if it's ok to host all the games and load them up in a zip file.
I personally think that it's ok to host those games, I don't know if this developer knows about the audiogames forum, maybe he' doesn't know.
I think it would be good if he would come on here, then it would be easier for him to see who's playing his games, and comunication would also be easier, at leased I think that.

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