Re: Survive the Wild!

First, I'm sorry for my last post.
I was very angry, after viewing all posts about this game.
Let me explain the reason why I posted 2 replies about Sam.
1. First and 80 percent of the reason is unfair play and cancelation of his statement about realism. When I was trying to make corrdinates system back, he said it's a realistic game. And he canceled what he said. Also, do you think that teleporters and dfcs are optional? Yes, actually you don't need to buy this, so it's optional. But, let's think it in different way.
If you don't buy dfcs, how will you kill players with 900 dfcs? If you don't buy a teleporter, how will you travel very long distance without dying? Player needs to be completely equal. In my viewpoint, when I saw all of the posts, I felt like if I'm walking, while others are flying around me. That's not possible in a game.
So, I must say this, the Stw store needs to be removed, or it needs to be a coin store, not a real money store.
2. When I was posting my last post, I didn't know what happened to the server. Then, I saw a post, that says Sam is very yung etc. I thought that the game had been discontinued, because I thought Sam doesn't have time to focus on the game. I knew that there was a hacker, so I understand now.
Thank you, and again, sorry for my last post.

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