Re: Braille Note Touch

Chriss, firstly. 10gb isn't true, wherever that came from. You get 16gb of internal, removable storage. The unit's hard drive is an sd card. No custom shape, just an sd card, located in the battery cavity. I will ask Humanware tech support to make sure of this, though, but I believe this may actually be the first device with expandable storage! They say don't place the Touch's card in the pc, but first of all, that's because you shouldn't make files with the pc then save it to the card. Second, they say it can cause irreparable damage if you do so, but any android user knows that that's because you could technically have root access with that card in anything but the Touch. The average user could be inadvertantly trying to save a file with their computer on the card, but miscalculate, ending up messing up some of the firmware, thus bricking the device. As there's no downloadable firmware of the device unless you count software updates, unles s they've done a complete backup of the card, then, true, it would be irreparable, at least until they got a fresh copy of the firmware. Because, after all, it's only a software brick. But what I'm wondering, is what if you imaged the card, then copied it over to another , larger card, making sure it was formatted under the same filesystem as the Touch's sd card, maybe you could potentially get more storage. I"m not taking any chances till Humanware has beeen contacted on this one, because the last thing I want is to do it all for nothing. As for running talkback, talkback does not work. I tried, and it said unfortunately, talkback has stopped. However I really don't think you'd get far with it. There'd be no braille translation, no keyboard support, nothing like that. When you use explore by touch, you're pretty much getting talkback functions inside keysoft. You can still assign two-part vertical gestures.

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