Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Bear in mind, this guide starts at the village, and does not specifically outline chests, tamers or anything else. It mentions a few, but that's it. I just ran it and can vouch for it. Put this next to you while playing the game, do what it tells you, and you will find your way through. Please note it also doesn't say where the ring is.

Enter, and head due east. Keep going due east (the path is linear, with no turn-offs) until you get to an opening both north and south. From here, you should be able to hear a person somewhere south of you, and a ladder way off to the east. The ladder is what you want if you're trying to get to Skien Path, so ignore it for the moment.

So from that place I mentioned, where you can hear the ladder and the person way to the south, head south.
Now we're following walls. South till you hit the wall, then east nine spaces, then head south till you bash the wall, then west till you hit a wall, then south till a path op ens to the west. You should hear a trainer to the west. Fight or ignore him.
Head due south till you bump the southern wall, then start going east. You'll hit a wall, so go one north, then keep going east. There is a tamer right to the east near here. Again, fight him or ignore him. Since you're following the south wall and he's resting against the south wall, go north one, east two and south one to start re-following wall with the tamer now on your left..
Keep going east till you can go south. South, and hit the wall, then east one, then keep going south. You'll hit a wall. Go two spaces east, but now turn south into a tiny passage. That passage heads about 17 south, then opens up sorta toward the east. Go east.
Bump the east wall, south once, then keep going east till you hit a wall. You should now hear a ladder way to the north. This leads to floor 2 of the tunnels, so you should head there. It's a straight shot.

Okay, now we're on floor 2. You should hear a chest nearby to the northwest. Five spaces east from the ladder that got you here, then turn south immediately. Head south a few squares, then east till you hit the wall, then due south. I just cut a bit of a corner, but this takes a few steps out.
Bump that south wall, then west twice, then south five squares, then east to the wall. It's possible to go west down a different path here, but that's not the way to get out, so follow my steps.
At this point you're in a little corridor going south, and there's a tamer off to the southwest somewhere. Keep heading south, then when you can go west (the tamer may see you if he hasn't before, but if you've already been here, this is the one who says he's claustrophobic) do so. Slide past the trainer on his south side, and head west. At some point, go south a few spaces till you bump a wall. You should hear a trainer to the east (claustrophobic guy) and someone off to t he west. Just go due west from here, then north a square, west till a tamer, up once, then keep going west.
As soon as you stop hearing wall tones but can still hear that last trainer way off to the east), head south immediately. You should now hear water dripping as part of the ambiance.
Head south till you hit a wall, west till the south path opens again, south three times, then immediately east (so now there's a wall north of you). Head south till you hit a wall, then a bit west. You might notice that you can hear a ladder now, way off to the east. It might seem a bit tricky to get to it, but here goes..
When you're going west, eventually you'll hear the southern wall stop (so you can go south). Do so immediately, and don't stop till you hit the wall. Then east a few (the ladder should be above you now) and north to the ladder, and you're done.
There are some dead ends and at least one chest around here, so explore if you want. I' ve just given a quick and dirty guide to get through the tunnels themselves.

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