Re: Worm, a parahumans web serial

Interesting, any idea how it stands up to Mersadies Lacky's The secret world chronicle which has similar idea of jaded super heroes such as an agoraphobic mage, a russian female superman who still thinks stalenist comunism is a good idea, and a superhero who's power is simply to be very very lucky. Plus of course you have to love any series who's principle vvillains are alien steampunk mech armor wearing flying saucer riding nazis from an alternate dimention! big_smile.

The only sad thing with secret world chronicle is that while the first two series were awsome, the first book being the invasion, the second being working out why, from series 3 it sort of goes off the plot and starts wandering around with waaaaaay! too many characters, in truth I've not actually read beyond series 4 though they're now st arting series 6.

Oh, it also has the advantage of being entirely free and! in an audio podcast form too. I must confess I dislike reading with just a screen reader synth voice since it mostly just kills text for me, so even if the author wasn't interested in an actual audio drama I'd suggest he perhapd do considder getting someone to create a read podcast version Scot sigler style.


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