Re: Monthly chat August 2016

@Brian, I've seen the odd episode of Bleache. It sort of looked like a more serious version of Dragonball with swords and spirits instead of martial arts and sort of semi futuristic craziness, which isn't a bad thing, although I've got so many other things to actually watch or read or go through it's not on the priority list for the moment, heck when we get back to England I want to start into season 4 of buffy the vampire slayer.

@Aprone, With the house moving it sounds like your life is turning into Dog who hates toast, having to move the banana to family monster toaster room etc big_smile
Seriously I do sympathize, there was a point when as a child it seemed my parents were taking it in turns to redecorate each room of our house which of course necessitated moving all the contents of one room into another room, there was one point my mum would grab anyone who came through the door, hand them a sheet of sand paper and get them sanding her douglas fir doors, up to and including the local vicar big_smile.

I'm always impressed at people who can do all of the carpentry/electrics/plumming type of stuff. Other than obvious things like changing bulbs I've never really had a practical aptitude that way, apart from the fact that stuff like rewiring a plug is dam difficult without vision, so have generally restricted myself to more interlectual/artistic type of things.

As to how the new wife is, well who ever said I had an old wife?  ---- actualy scratch that, there is no oold wife!" there never has been, and that hole at the bottom of the guarden is dug up just because it needed digging, and what do you mean that there are reports of a missing woman seen around my house! she's not missing, she just went into the guarden that's all. It wasn't her fault, she had a liking for mushrooms, yes, perfectly ordinary organic mushrooms, no I never knew tthey were poisonous, how could I have known! You think I went to all the trouble of researching mushroom types then growing them from spaws then filtering them to extract the poison for a poisonous mushroom pizza? I just wanted to give the lady a nice meal and a good rest, she wwas so tired after all.

Hmmmm, methinks I'd better stop this line of conversation before  I say something incriminating since I'm perfectly innocent and would never even think about murdering anyone, ---- might do it, perhaps have done it, but wouldn't even think! about it! big_smile.

Seriously, my lady is extremely well (and since she emphatically dislikes even normal mushrooms the above digression is entirely pointless). Aga in I don't have a lot to report other than relaxing and generally spending time on things. Yesterday we all went swimming which was nice, and my lady had the distinct pleasure of seeing me act like a total nutcase as I attempted a canonballl! ACtually the diving board was cool and I did manage to remember the diving I used to do. I'm not exactly the most athletic of people when it comes to jumping around, but that was fun, as was the swimming. We then went for icecream and I forgot the cardinal rule of living in this country never! order a large, since they're gigantic!

I'm still reading through magician by Feist. It has actually picked up when we got into the second world, indeed to say that medkemia is pretty much just D&D land, kalawal is remarkably unique both in culture and even in wildlife. Feist even shows some glimmerings in the direction of character, albeit I don't like the hole women who don't like someone and then randomly do a co mplete switch and suddenly fling themselves into the arms of male characters for no readily apparent reason.

That being said some of the magic stuff is fun, even if I don't exactly rate Feists' description of such. I probably will do a review of magician, just because I think it probably needs someone to point out the book's strengths and weaknesses rather than just goin "this is the best thing ever!" or "this is the worst thing ever!" as inevitably seems to happen, especially with books that have been around for a long while and have something of cult status about them.

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