Re: Survive the Wild!

Smoke-J wrote:

Draq just so you are aware, yes admins are suppose to help but we have to do so so much more, it is not all just helping, that's only a part of it. and yes part of the game is surviving in a land that is still under war. the issue was that there was no one doing this before, the bombs, fires, rockslides, and now the title waves. now there is and everyone has already adjusted to that, none of it is a death sentence, the chance of it actually killing you is very slim. and as for getting gifts, it is still very simple to go get them and get out. and with the gas station, plenty of folks have still found ways to get items in it, you don't die within 3 seconds of stepping foot in the building. personally I like the extra challenge for the game, it makes it more interesting. and saying you are disgusted, and that is just ridiculous. guess what, me an jimmy are admins and we hardly ever have teleporters, so we paddle to the village just like you do. we go there, get our stuff, then we get out and go play the game. people still have their ways to stay in the village, and that is up to them, but they have to change their tactics.

Like I said, I'm all for making things more interesting. The desert making you more thirsty was a nice change. Changes that actually make sense and make the game more realistic are awesome. Tidal waves, neat. Rockslides, neat. These are perfectly fine. I applaud those efforts. That isn't what I'm seeing here regarding the village though. If Sam had actually said, hey guys, the game is about surviving in a land that's currently in the middle of a huge war so the game's going to be changed to reflect that a bit more, then I'd understand.

What disgusts me isn't that Sam wants to have the game be more challenging. It's the reasoning I'm hearing regarding admins bombing the village specifically and why the gift shop and gas station lower health. What it boils down to for me is people aren't getting in, getting what they need, and getting out. It seems that's how Sam wants people to play, so he's forcing the issue and telling the other admins to force the issue. It seems to have nothing at all to do with the state of the game world from the information I've seen, especially in the MOTD I pasted in my last post. Specifically the following four parts:

"So guys, for those of you asking what's happening to the fishing village, Me and the admins have been stepping up the destruction in there."

I'm sorry, but this is about the fishing village, not the entire game being in a land that's currently at war. He specifically says the fishing village.

"All half the game does is sits in there waiting for the next gift or the next water boddle to pick up."

This is clearly something that Sam doesn't want, and it s eems to be specific to the fishing village. Even so, if people want to do it, what's the problem as long as they're not causing trouble for others? I still haven't seen anyone telling me why it's a problem, especially for the gift shop. As I've said, it's the same as staying in a place on the mainland with no wild animals with PK turned off or in the camp ground waiting for items to spawn, and there are valid reasons for staying to wait for items to spawn that seem to be ignored when I bring them up.

"Don't want it to happen? Don't sit in the gass station for 4 hours. Problem solved."

Since Sam doesn't want people to stay in those buildings even when they're doing absolutely nothing wrong, he's going to make them slowly kill you if you stay in them. He gives no explanation as to why your health is being lowered other than he doesn't want people staying there for hours. A better solution would be to cha nge spawning so people don't have to stay and wait to get the items they want. The only explanation of this I've heard was radiation, which is a poor explanation because radiation, as I pointed out, doesn't just contain itself to a single place unless there's a material to keep it contained. If there's seriously that much radiation, it should be poisoning the entire village and not just the buildings. The gift shop slowly killing you is even more ridiculous than the gas station due to the gift limit and how fast they spawn. If the effects of being in a building were really aimed at people staying in there for hours, it shouldn't affect people who are actually getting what they need and getting out of them. Again, this is overkill. Not staying in there for 4 hours does not solve the problem. You still lose health no matter what you do. What if you lose enough health in the buildings and then get killed by a bomb sent by an admin? Not cool.

"Mo st admins have been working hard to bomb the village royally so people learn to get in, grab there stuff, and get out."

To me, this is saying, people aren't playing the game the way Sam wants them to, so he's going to condition them to play it the way he wants them to instead of actually trying to deal with why people play the way they have been since the area's been there. Never mind that these buildings in this abandoned village seem to be able to survive multiple bombings and fires completely unharmed, and why are they wasting bombs on a place that's abandoned in the first place? I honestly can't see what else it would mean.

That MOTD says nothing about a war. It says nothing about radiation in the buildings. It says nothing about why it makes any sense in the game. It clearly says that people aren't going in, getting their things, and getting out fast enough for his liking, and it clearly talks about a single area in the game.

I outlined why people sit there in the gas station and other item spawn locations and gave a suggestion to make that a bit better. If you're looking for something specific, it's a huge pain to find what you want. Sometimes you'll get what you want, sometimes you'll get something useless. Sometimes nothing is there because the last guy got the last item a few minutes ago. It's not possible to simply get in, get your stuff, and get out the way things spawn right now. It's really only possible with gifts, and spending half an hour or more mashing keys and boating to the village just to pick up 16 gifts that give you random items and spending another half an hour or so heading immediately back to the mainland is kind of silly, in my opinion. That's why I say this really only affects people who don't buy teleporters or health boosts. Just because someone found a way to get around it doesn't make it universally okay.

There are also a few things to do in the village. You can buy things from vending machines, dig in trash cans, microwave food, etc. Why on earth make a map full of content to explore and enjoy that takes a long time and a ton of key mashing to go to if you don't want people to spend time there? How in the world is that at all logical? If the area or content doesn't fit with the theme of the game, I think it should be removed instead of what's happening now, especially due to bombing.

Lastly, I know Sam has plans to update the story, but something seriously needs to be put in about the threat of bombings from the war. I thought the point was that you fled from the war in your home town and got stranded on the island. The story doesn't say anything about the war being everywhere, and there's nothing in the game's description about bombings whatsoever or where the town even is. It's supposed to be Survive The Wild, not Survive The War. This further proves to me tha t these things are being done simply because Sam doesn't like the way people play the game.

That's all I'm saying. The changes could have been thought out a lot more and implemented better so it isn't punishing everyone and making it seem like it's Sam throwing a fit because people arent doing what he wants. He has every right to do what he wants as the creator of the game, but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous to me as a player just trying to have fun. I'm just calling it how I see it, and the explanations I'm getting don't really match sam's own words. If I'm misunderstanding things, it's because I'm getting answers that make absolutely no sense.

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