Zombies vs unicorns

I'm reading a rather amusing little anthology at the moment. Zombies vs unicorns. Two authors extol the merrits of Zombies and unicorns, complete with bitchy debates, and stories about either.
The stories are rather cool actually going from a gay zombie romance, to a snarky unicorn who doesn't take the hole virgin thing seriously, to a really quite icky story of a lady getting pregnant via unicorn, (yes, this is pretty gross!).

So, I thought we'd have the debate on the forum, complete with a pole.

Which is better?

MRs. Dark is of course a firm member of camp unicorn. I confess that were we having this debate prior to my reading of Guy Gavril Kay's fionavar tapestry, I probably wouldn't have seen much merrit in unicorns. While not exactly a firm zombie fan (very over used), I have read far more good zombie stories than I have unicorn ones, and for the large part unicorns just seemed to me to be at rock bottom horses with extra poin ty bits and a lot of unearned misteaque.

I admit though that part of this was that while I was at Tapton mount school we read an incredibly twee and annoyingly cutesy book called "spellhorn the unicorn!" about the poor little blind girl who made a friend of the mystical unicorn with his magical horn! (I'd like to tell that author where she can stick that oh so magical spellhorn!).

I also will admit the unicorn in Fionavar is pretty dam awesome! (even if she did have a big sign around her kneck saying noble sacrifice), and Terry pratchet had an incredibly awesome evil unicorn in Lords and ladies.

Also, I've read a lot of really appauling zombie stories that just repeat the same cliches again and again, since ultimately there are only so many occasions you can say brains brains braaaaains! where as me being a paladin fan, the idea of a combined horse plus lance does have it's advantages.

So, what do people think? Zombies? Unicorns?

I'm undecided on the subject, ---- though of course as a firm member of team dragon I can say dragons rock and could wipe the floor with the lot of them!

So, let the debating begin!

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