Tips and tricks on using the command line on either windows or mac.

Hello everyone. I thought a tips and tricks thread on command line commands you either like or find very useful would be quite an interesting thread.

I do not have a mac so cannot tell you about those commands, perhaps someone on this forum who uses a mac and the command line can tell us about how they enjoy using it.

I am in no way an advanced command line user, in fact, I only know the basics.

so I'm going to start us off with the delete function.

Name: Delete command/function.

What does it do?

This command/function allows you to delete files.

How do I use this command/function?

1. CD in to the directory you want to delete the files from.
2. Write the following: Del space and then the name of the file you want to delete and press enter.

Note 1: Remember, you must write the full name of a file, including its extention. For example: book1.mp3.

Note2: Th ere are switches you can use with the slash character after the del command but I haven't used them so am unsure as to what they would do.

Exciting tip! Guess what? You can delete a lode of files within a folder that have the same extention by using the folllowing:

1. CD into the directory you want to delete the files from.
2. Write the following: Del space star dot mp3 for example and press enter. Poof! All the MP3 files will be gone! This is a very useful command as it is very quick and very easy to use once you get the hang of it.

Note 1: The star or asterisk is known as a whild card.

Why would I want to delete multiple files at once?

Great question! Well let me give you an example of something that happened to me yesterday. I being the huge movie collecter that I am have over 1000 audio described movies within my movies folder on my external hard drive. and there are quite afew coppies of the same movie. The d iffirence? They have an dot OGG extention. I didn't want those movies, so what did I do? That's right, I deleted them using the nifty del space star dot ogg command and poof! they were all gone!

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