Re: Manamon Trading thread

See, this is my worry.
In about two weeks, the flurry of trades for starters and Mortrex/Lamgurk are all going to be done, or mostly anyway. The more we more dedicated players play, the more we learn what does and doesn't work. We'll figure out the mons to train and the mons to just ignore. Mythicals are probably gonna get relegated to that lonely tier Smogon in the pokemon universe calls ubers, which is to say, they can fight each other but they're just too strong in nearly every other arena.
And because virtually every Terruffalo or Grizzlord or Fauntazaur at level 100 will have access to all the same moves, will have at least close to the same stats, it's all going to go stagnant. A game with endless potential is going to die on the vine.

And I've said it before, I'll say it again. One way to change that: allow us to teach manamon specific moves.
So, I might be able to say "I'm looking for a Sheepit with Earthquake an d Rock Avalanche. In return I can give you a Mortrex with Magic Wave and Audioblast". Or whatever.
Point is, teachable moves will blow the game wide open in all the right ways, and will make battling and trading both more interesting.
In the other thread, I said that skill manuals (like TMs) should be used as many times as you want. But in the interest of making the game a little harder and not just throwing twenty-six moves or so into a list and saying they're the pure bread and butter of every single playthrough, I do think that skill manuals (teachable moves) should be usable once only. This way, if you get, say, a Magic Wave manual, you have to choose carefully who's going to learn it.

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