Re: can any one up load the torn dress guide for swamp by alixn94?

I'll just post it here... smile


You can get this puzzle as a reward for winning a last man standing mission with five or more people in it. To solve it, do the following:

Donate Torn Dress on map 2:

No, no, no.  The soldier holds the dress shaking his head.  Not another one!  He holds the dress out and 2 other men rush over.  We have been searching for this killer for weeks, but he has evaded us at every turn.  At first we thought these were zombie attacks, but now we believe we have a serial killer on the loose.  Dustin will fill you in on the details.  He stands watch at the old tank.

Go to the abandoned tank of the failed military barricade:

So you're on the case now too?  Good.  There are 4 missing women that are presumed dead.  We think this is some nut job that was pushed over the edge when the world fell apart.  I want you to go investigate the locations where the women went missing, to look for clues.  Be careful and always watch your back.  Here is a list of the places, starting with the old pet store.

Go to the fish tanks and fish supplies in the pet store:

Everything is destroyed in this town, but as you examine the scene you can see there was a struggle.  His boot prints tell you he hid behind the shelf and attacked the woman when she came inside.  This spot is too exposed near the windows, so he must have dragged her somewhere more private.

Go to the dog adoption area in the pet store:

Clearly this is the spot.  Old dog leashes are tied to the bars, showing where he tied up his victim.  She was tortured because blood on the bars was a result of her struggling against the restraints.  This guy is sick and he must be stopped!  There must be a clue around here somewhere.

Go to the grooming section of the pet store:
You spot a human finger burried in piles of old animal hair.  The long finger nail tells you this belonged to a woman, and when you slowly pick it up, it is tied to a string.  As the string lifts it pulls more fingers out from under the hair!  This is some sort of necklace the killer left behind.  You have a sick feeling in your stomach that only gets worse when you think about going to the candy store next.

Go to the empty candy boxes in the candy store:
This looks frighteningly familiar.  A few extension cords tied to the shelves clearly held the victim in place while the killer tortured her to death.  Bits of old candy on the floor make it easy to see that a body was dragged away and toward the parking lot.  Two bloody streaks on either side of the trail suggest he removed her fingers before dragging her body away.

Go to the abandoned car next to the service alley:
You're used to seeing dead bodies these days, but the woman's broken body makes you jump.  The killer broke her arms and legs to cram her behind the driver's seat of this abandoned car.  Her face is frozen with a look of horror, and her fingerless hands left blood streaks on the seat.  She must have been barely alive when he first shoved her in there.  It's time to get out of here.

Return to the truck:
You hate leaving the woman's body in the car, but this area is far too dangerous right now.  This psycho must have no fear at all to be out here all alone waiting for his victim.  According to the list, the next stop is the Visitor center.

Go to the first stall in the women's rest room in the visitor center:
This is more horrible than the last place.  Old police handcufs were used to chain the victim to the sink, and part of her hand is still caught in it.  The killer had clamped it so tightly that even after c utting her arm off above the wrist, her fingerless hand is still trapped.  The body must be nearby.

Go to the eastern side of the visitor center:
A shovel rests against the building and a mound of fresh dirt instantly stands out.  As you remove dirt, you uncover the body of the woman.  Her hands and feet were tied with rubber tubing, and once again her fingers were removed.  Personal items from the last victim were found along the North wall of the hospital.

Go to the northern end of the hospital:
Stacks of boxes and trash cans look like the spot where the killer hid as he waited for his victim to walk past.  He had been using a stool to sit on while he waited, and it is the kind of stool they use in the hospital exam rooms!  Teams regularly walk through the hospital to reach the second floor, but there is a Southern wing that would be a good place to hide out.

Go to examination room A in the southern part of the hospital:
As you peer around the room, you spot things hanging from a coat rack on the wall.  Human fingers hanging from strings!  A large bloody butcher knife sits on the counter, and you know the killer must be using the hospital as his hiding place!

Go a little down the hallway with the examination rooms:
You jump at the sound of glass breaking!  He is in here somewhere!

Go to examination room C:
1 Broken Leg gained.
20 Bloody Clothes gained.

Leave the examination room:
Dazed and confused, you stumble from the examination room.  The killer attacked you, but you broke his neck with one quick snap.  You are bleeding.  You are in pain.  But you have stopped this monster once and for all.
1 Finger Necklace gained.

Donate the finger necklace on map 2:

The people of the Safe zone bury the fingers and hold a small memorial service for the women who were lost.  Job well done soldier.
30 Diesel Fu el gained.


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