Re: the "lucky cop" is ready to download!

at Dalen Lewin,
[[wow]]. Your post reminds me of the Tru Crime video game Series. I've always wished to see an audiogame like Tru Cryme, and your suggestions fit perfectly. I'd love to see all suggestions, especially yours and mine which is below, implamented into this project.
But at kianoosh shakeri,
I do have a suggestion related to Dalen's, which is definitely enspired by Tru Crime.
If possible, you could also implament little dispatch side missions, or as tru crime calls it, street missions. These are seperit from the actual game plot missions. Basicly, a dispatcher comes at you with these street missions all in a random order. So for example, you would here something like, Attention all units. Sitizens Report an asult with a deadly weapon at so and so location. Male stabbed bartender with a butcher knife. Please respond imedietly.
you then have a certain amount of time to get there, and properly take care of the situation. In tru crime , a timer is usually displayed on the screen, but in this sinerrio, you would press a letter, t or r, to check your remaining time. There's also what is called a comp stat map, which shows the player where the missions are, but this can be acomidated by 2 letters which will anounce your current missions and where they are located, either street or game plot, depending on which mission you're after.
But these street missions, along with the game plot missions, if carried out correctly, will earn you the good cop points. If carried out dirty, you will either 1, lose bad cop points, or 2, if your point counter is at 0, you can possibly go into neggitive numbers, which would then make it harder for the player to complete missions that may require a certain number of good cop points. For example, if you have 4 good cop points, and if the next reached game plot mission requires 8 points, 1 or 2 of the street missions will do the trick, just as long as you do them properly. In a game plot mission, you can distribute the good cop points in 1 of 2 methods. Method 1, you get a number of points after eatch mission, based on how well that you have completed the mission.
Method 2. you could arrange it so that after a certain number of game plot missions, you then receive your good cop points, based on how well that you have completed the 4 missions. For example, after 4 missions, you get your final result. You could even redo the missions to gain more points, along with other items, weather it be ammo, health etcetera.
As for dieing in your missions.
you don't lose any points, but they do get reset. Say if you gain 30 good cop points in a game plot mission, and if you die, your point counter will reset back to what you had prier to starting the mission. Same for the street missions.
As for making it to your missions.
If you don't make it to any of the street missions, you don't lose or gain any points. But no worries, the streets are full of heet. another call will hit your radio very quickly.
As for the game plot missions, you can do it the same as the street missions, or you could make the game plot missions time sensitive as well. However, making the game plot missions time sensitive would defeat the purpose of the street aspect of the game, as things would get too complicated.
If you are able to place any part of this or any of the suggestions listed here into lucky cop, I will be more than happy to create and professionally record your dispatch lines for you, along with anything else that you may require.
Please keep up the amazing work with this project. This is a fantastic game.
Best Regards,

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