Re: Monthly chat September 2016

Well I suppose a lot of foods are actually flammable... alcohol, fat, oils, grease.  Dry pasta noodles will steadily burn like candles, and are used by people to reach in and light their furnace/water heater pilot light.  Normal potato chips are flammable too, but just not quite to the level that doritos are.  Graham crackers are supposed to go up in flames very quickly (flash burn) though I've never seen it myself.  I may be mistaken, but I believe I've heard that some cheeses are flammable because of their grease content.  It would seem that when we sit down for dinner, we are refueling ourselves in more ways than one.

Did you know, a staggeringly high percentage of people who burned to death, had eaten food at some point during the day beforehand?  Coincidence?  Probably, but what good is having tin foil in the house if you don't wear it as a hat every now and again.  tongue

Edit:  I can't believe I almost forgot about flour!  Not only have people died from flour explosions since like, forever, but one of my co-workers burned down his kitchen in part because he didn't realize flour was flammable.  He had actually started a small grease fire by accident and knew pouring water on it would be a mistake.  He grabbed a bag of flour and dumped it in an effort to stop the fire before it could spread to the larger pot he was deep frying a turkey in.  He said there was a forceful bang (flour explodes more than it burns) and flaming oil was blasted everywhere in his kitchen, also setting alight the oil in the large fryer.  He had burns on his hands and arms, and lost his kitchen by the time the fire department arrived, but was otherwise alright.

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