Re: OT: Labeling Millions of People

Hillary is right, and the polls confirm that a large number of Trump supporters hold racist, bigotted opinions.

Trump's "basket of deplorables": Hillary Clinton was right (

"When pollsters and researchers want to measure racial bias, they don’t ask if respondents are “racist”; the stigma of being a racist is strong enough that
most people won’t answer honestly, to say nothing of the fact that racial prejudice exists on a continuum. A binary answer doesn’t capture the complexity
of bias and bigotry. Instead, they ask proxy questions that try to capture attitudes associated with racism. One such question—asked in multiple surveys
by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic polling firm—is whether respondents believe President Obama was born in the United States and whether they believe
he’s a Muslim. These questions begin to scratch the surface of racial bias. And what are the results?
In one survey,
two-thirds of Republicans with a favorable opinion of Donald Trump said that Obama is a Muslim, and 59 percent said he wasn’t born in the United States.

There’s other data too. In June, Reuters
the racial attitudes of Clinton, Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich supporters. A significant number of supporters for each candidate voiced negative attitudes
about black Americans. But Trump backers stood out in their animus. Nearly 50 percent said blacks were “more violent” than whites; almost as many said
that blacks were “more criminal than whites.” More than 40 percent said that blacks were “more rude” than whites, and more than 30 percent said that blacks
were “lazier” than whites.

Perhaps the best data on questions of race and Trump comes from political scientist Jason McDaniel of San Francisco State University and Sean McElwee,
a research associate at Demos, a left-leaning think tank. Using the 2016 pilot of the American National Election Study, conducted in January, they
drill down
on racial attitudes among Trump supporters. Given what we already know, their results shouldn’t come as a shock. More than 40 percent of all Republicans
and more than 60 percent of Trump supporters say that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Compared with those who backed other candidates in the GOP primary, Trump
supporters have cooler feelings toward blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and LGBTQ Americans, and warmer feelings toward whites.
By sizable margins,
according to McElwee’s analysis of ANES, Trump supporters are more likely than non-Trump supporters to believe that blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims are
lazier and more violent than whites. More than 60 percent of Trump supporters believe black people are more violent than whites; nearly 50 percent of non-Trump
Republicans say this. More than 70 percent of Trump supporters believe Muslim people are more violent than whites; roughly 60 percent of non-Trump Republicans
say this. These are deplorable views, and they represent the consensus opinion not just of Trump supporters but of all Republicans in the survey. If the
study is at all reflective of the population at large on this score, we’re going to need a bigger basket."

Donald Trump is no friend of the disability rights movement.

He mocked a disabled reporter and he has been sued several times for violation of the ADA.

And his list of gross offensive statements including calling Mexicans rapists and calling for banning Muslims from the United States and defending torture and war crimes  is pure evil.

Anyone voting for Trump can't claim ignorance.

On the contrary, Hillary has a solid record as a defender of disability rights.

All this is a matter of public record.

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