Re: Starlanes: Audio only MMORPG for Amazon Echo

im still new to the game, so ill try and explain this the best way i can lol

ok so you are on a spaceship with dromes. you start off with 100attackers, 100defenders, and 1factory drome
you are in the middle of the galaxy, between a war of two factions. these two factions are trying to rule the galaxy by conquering all of the stars around them. you can think of stars as planets.
i dont know the correct termonology for the stars and factions so ill just use something a little bit more common
so you first choose which faction you want to join. the smoovers or the gunners
after you choose a faction, you take your spaceship flying around to different planets to see if they are already conquered or available.
if the planet is already conquered, you can take it over
to take over a planet you have to deploy a greater number of dromes that are already on the planet
for example if my faction is the gunners, and we fly to fruitopia, and it is owned b y the smoovers, and they have 2000 attackers, 2000defenders, and 100 factory dromes on there planet, to take it over i must deploy over 4000 dromes, and then fruitopia will now belong to the gunners and not the smoovers
factory dromes don't fight, they only build new dromes, so you dont have to worry about them when conquering a planet
now i must defend my new planet, so members of my crew can drop there dromes on fruitopia so we can increase in number to keep our defenses up. also factory dromes produce more dromes as well, and the more factory dromes we have on the planet, the faster they build other dromes to defend the planet.
now, if i go to fruitopia and i dont have the 4000 dromes to take it over, i now have to pilot my spaceship around the galaxy, looking for planets that my faction already own. once i find a planet that my faction already own like crabzone, i am going to take those dromes off our planet and put them in my spaceship, and fly back to fruit opia to take it over. now by doing this, i am weakning my planet defenses. so if my enemy faction smoovers finds crabzone, they can most likely take it over since i removed most of the dromes off that planet, to take over one of there own planets. so it seems like if you don't communicate with other real players in your faction, and come up with some type of strategy, then you can really be going in circles, or losing planets left and right by not having enough dromes on them at a time. im still new to this, but i think you communicate with other players on the game through star lanes forum and through captain messages that you can write on the website or the ap.
your spaceship runs on fuel of course, so you only can make a certain amount of moves before you run out of fuel, and you are pretty much stuck on a planet, until it fills back up.
so how you play the game is yu give your echo voice commands and she does them accordingly, so think of your echo as a keyboard.< br />so the game will go something like this
note: your echo name is alexa
note: these are the voice commands you actually use in the game
note: these are not the exact words alexa says back to you, but its in that ball park
alexa: welcome to star lanes, what faction will you join
you: the gunners
you: where am i
alexa: you are on the planet crabzone, with fruitopia, pencilites, and carbro, around you
you: go to fruitopia
alexa: blasting off to fruitopia
sound effect plays
you: what is here
alexa: there are 500attackers, 5defenders, and 100 factory dromes owned by smoovers
you: drop 10 attackers
alexa: deploying 10attackers
sound effect
alexa: 5 of fruitopia attackers have been destroyed, and 10 of yours have been destroyed
you: what do i have now
alexa: you now have 90attackers, 100defenders, 1 factory drome
you: what is here
alexa: 495attackers 5deefenders 100factory dromes owned by smoovers
you: what is near by
alexa: nearby is crabzone, pencilites, and zoobrats
you: take me to crabzone
alexa: flying to crabzone
sound effect
you: what is here
alexa: 1000attackers 1000defenders 100factory owned by the gunners
you: take 500attackers
alexa: taking 500attackers
you: drop 90defenders
you: drop 1 factory drome
you: what is here
alexa: 500attackers 1090defenders 101factory dromes owned by gunners
you: what do i have
alexa: 590attackers, 10defenders, 0factory dromes
you: how much fuel do i have
alexa: you have 200tons of gas, you have enough for 2more trips, you fuel will become full in 10hrs
you: take me to fruitopia
ok and thats pretty much how it works. there are alot more voice commands, and things to do, but my fingers are tired of typing now lol but thats pretty much the basics so hopefully you guys get a drift of the game. its a really cool concept, i like itok well ill try and explain this the best way I can lol

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