Re: Recommending Materia Magica again

@Jayde, I'll admit I'm a real sucker for quests. Simply wandering around killing things for the sake of levelling doesn't appeal to me, but have an npc tell me to go and defeat the goblin king and I'll explore every inch of the goblin caves and gladly slay as many goblins as you like big_smile.

Actually I've been loving alter recently for this reason, I'm level 22 in my primary class and haven't had to grind for the sake of grinding once.
I think though this is what undid me in materiamagica since I naturally tend to wander around and poke at things, and if I have something to slay along the way I'll slay it, certainly this was what kicked me out of Lasler the first run (I had barely done half of the stuff there). when I tried again I did get everything in Lasler, got booted out at level 12, was level 30 in Rune forest when I found I 'd buggered myself out of the marks, and then sat around trying to do quests and failing in rune city, i think I was level 33 or so before i gave up entirely.
That was however in 2010 or so, and I do know a lot of work has been done on the game since then, and I do recall the developers being sensative to my comments on these issues.

I'd be interested to know how the game is now and what stuff there is! to do.

Unfortunately at the second I'm a little busy since we've had a slue of good games recently, but I'll keep an eye on mm and next time I fancy a mud I'll try it,I'll certainly be interested in anyone's experiences, especially with things beyond the hacknslash.

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