Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta44)

Hi dark, to help you with your port forwarding issue, you'll want to do as instructed. Find your internal IP address, if it wasn't configured by you, or if the company left the default settings, it should be something like It should hopefully bring you to a webpage that has a bunch of statistics about your router. There should be a way to log in, and again, if the system was left to default it will usually be admin admin, user, user, or admin password. That is to say the login user name and the password. If none of these work, the quickest way to get the correct info would be to call your ISP, and they'll let you know what it is, just ask for the login information for the equipment for your home network. Once you are logged in, you'll want to find an option that says gateway, or gateway settings, or ports port configuration port forwarding etc. Follow that link to a page, and there will be a list of various configurations, find one that says ports or port forwarding or just forwarding. If your router looks anything like mine, you will be presented with a list of edit boxes somewhere on the page. The easiest way to find the right one would be to press ctrl home, and then pressing E. Above one of them should be a series of numbers similar to the ones you used to access the router in the first place, the number. except it will say 192.168.0 and then edit, indicating the last value for you to enter. This is the static IP address of the computer that will have the ports forward to. The next two edit boxes will likely be together, and will be asking for the range list of ports that you want to forward. When selecting a port, it's usually best to snag one above the 1000 line, as you may end up using another well traffic port accidentally, which would cause a lot of collisions. This will be the port number that other people will enter when connecting to your server I presume. Below this may be a combo box that says b oth, tcp, or UDP, select the both option and check the box that says enable. Navigate along the page until you see apply and it should be good to go. Now what you need to do is go to your control panel, find your network adapter by selecting view network and status, then tabbing to change network adapter. If your device is on wireless, the network may be called wireless, if you're going through hardwire, then you'll likely find one that is called local area connection. Highlight the network you are using and press the context menu, or right clicking with your screen reader. Find properties, and if you don't know how to get to this menu, I believe you can press ctrl enter on it and it will do the same thing. Once the properties menu is open, navigate down to ipv4 settings and select properties by tabbing a couple of times and pressing enter. One note here, your network may possibly be running IPv6, and if it is, this whole article may be entirely worthless, because I h ave never dealt with IPv6, consider asking your ISP what system they use if you need to call for login info. Onwards though, once the IPv4 properties are open, you'll want to find the combo box that says obtain and IP automaticly, and move it to the "use the following IP address" option. and enter the address that you entered to get to your router, and for the last digit, enter the number you entered in the first edit box of this walkthrough. So if I had entered 4, I would type in this box. It's possible that the form fields are split up into four sections, if this is the case, you can just type in all of the numbers within the first box and they should automaticly spill over into the other boxes, but be sure to enter the .s as they are displayed in the address. Next will be the default gateway, which again will be that number you used to get to the router, for our purposes. Next will be the sub net mask, which if it is default it will be, if it isn't default, unless you know binary, this is something you'll obtain quickest by calling your ISP and asking for your machine's sub net mask. If they ask why you want to know, tell them you are trying to set up an internal  static IP address. If they try some shpeel about only having static IP addresses for business accounts, tell them it's for an internal private network, and if they insist, ask to speak to a higher level network admin. Once you have this number, enter it in the fields. The next field will likely be the DNS, if you're lucky they should already be filled, if not, you can use Google's DNS which is, nice and easy. Once this is done, you should be good to go, select validate settings upon exit and press okay. You should now have traffic successfully port forwarded to your computer. HTH. This is also assuming you're using Windows, if not, the steps should still be similar. Good luck.

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