Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

If you consider a truthful indictment of character flaws down-putting, then that's your issue, not mine. If you'd care to quote specific bits where you think I was too harsh, however, by all means show me the passages in question. Hey, I'm no saint. I've gone off the high side before. If I've been too harsh in my criticism, I'll be the first to own it and offer an apology for harsh conduct.

However, let me accompany that offer with a caveat.
Calling you out isn't the same as putting you down.
Saying that you aren't cognizant of the effect your opinion has on people, or impugning your ability to see how the world works, is a statement of fact. It has been demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt. It is not a personal attack. I did my best, however, to accompany it with an explanation of the issue, so that rather than just seeing it as a criticism of character, you might perhaps understand, if not agree with, the point I was ma king.
In other words, don't quote something where I've been very direct, and cite it as a personal attack. I'm looking for offensive language or personal insult here. If there's any of that, let me see it, and I'll grant you the apology you deserve for it.

Lacking that, however, I'm sticking to my point. In essence, at this point in time at least, I see what I did as the "good complaining" I alluded to in my last post. I was firm, but I don't believe at present that I was overly harsh, especially given that the targets of my complaining had already displayed a wanton disregard for the feelings of others, which is most of the reason I spoke up in the first place.

In other words: don't poke a bear and then cry foul when he bites you. If you can't stand being criticized in the way I did, maybe you should consider more closely the way your words might affect others. Your right to free speech is inviolate, but so is mine; if you don't like something, speak up, but I'm going to do the same. Most of all, if you expect good results from a complaint, it is a really excellent idea to remember that the target of your complaint, no matter how much they might have hurt, upset, bothered, betrayed or otherwise done you wrong, is still a human being with feelings.

So have on. Please show me where I've been overly harsh. I'm all ears, as the saying goes.

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