Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Okay guys, I've got some good news and a bit of bad news.

Lets start out with the little bit of bad news shall we?  During a code change, several random players had their collections deleted by accident.  Because of how the bug affected things, I was not able to restore them.  If you are one of the unfortunate souls affected by this, let me know.

Now for the good news.

When you die, you get a new skill reset.  This does not mean your points all reset or anything, it just means you are free to type /reset again if you wish.  This is meant to help players who die and then respawn with very bad point placement for someone trying to start over.

A locker system has been added!  Lets consider it a bit of a trial run, since I still reserve the right to change my mind and take the feature away if it ends up being a bad idea.

The locker works very similar to the collection system.  Typing /Locker will tell you what is cu rrently stored inside.
Type /LockerAdd <item> to add an item to your locker, at the cost of 1 quest point.  Yep that's right, quest points now have a use!  Yay!  You are not allowed to say how many of the item you wish to deposit into the locker because you only ever add 1 item at a time.  Each single item costs 1 quest point, even if you are putting more and more of the same item type in.

The locker will have a maximum number of items it can hold.  I plan to add a way to buy more spaces, but for now the limit is determined by your title.  Players with no title have 4 spots, and each higher title adds 1 more locker spot.

In the event that you die, your locker will still contain everything it had before zombies ate your brain.  Type /LockerTake <item> to pull individual items out of the locker and into your inventory.  There is no cost to take items out of the locker.

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