Re: The official "Extended Clok mod"!

Dude, why should we BBS something for a MUD we're not playing this is stupid. Why should it make you uncomfortable, you're a player, not a GM. It just makes no sense, whatever the issue is, fix it, that's what you're meant to do if you run a MUD. I don't understand why they let this go for so long, unless it is a problem which they see cannot be fixed, or would take too much time, in which case, well, yeah,. You see where I am getting at, something is wrong here and should be dealt with if possible, and should be told to us candidly if not, it won't change my mind, I refuse to play with that much lag going on, it really takes away from the VR.

Do you feel that this is not a valid criticism? Because next time you're on, type something, innocent, like something that you don't expect should take time or give you roundtime, like look in bag or something, sit, stand whatever, see how long it takes to get a response. Anywhere from 300ms to 2 seconds sometimes. It's unbearable, untenable, and quite ridiculous if I'm honest. It doesn't take a lot of bandwidth to play a MUD, so we're back at square 1, their network cannot handle it, or they have a mess of inefficient code somewhere that's gumming up the works.

So where have I gone wrong, as a prospective player, I have the right to criticize, of course ,they have the right to tell me to fuck off. I feel if this were an audio game in question here, that the tolerance would be nil. Say you went on red spot or something and it took you 500ms to take a step, change out weapons, etc. Anyway, would people tolerate that, maybe, or maybe they would just complain. I feel like I have a valid complaint, but I'm not gonna go onto their BBS because I haven't played the game in forever, just hop on and check it every once in a while, hoping they'd fixed it.

Really I can't even see how the staff deal with it, they should want to f ix it for everyone. Now again, maybe they feel its something inherently unfixable, who knows.

Every MUD I go on, no matter how good I do have criticisms, and I generally let them know, now in some cases its just nitpicking, and there are some really good ones out there, but there is always something you wish would work better, etc. I feel Clok is this way, it wants to be a good MUD, but with the amount of lag, I can't deal with it, I would happily come on and play if that were reduced to something bearable. I would enjoy it, it has a lot going for itself. And I don't want to negate or put them down for their hard work, I know that goes down hard, and for me, who has only messed with a few things, and couldn't code to save his life, I really don't have the qualification to say one way or another if this is something that can be dealt with. But I'd want to know  one way or another, can it, can it not be. Why create this magnificent world, all these activities, try to build a community, a player base around it, when the system is flubbing up and there is so much lag involved. This isn't dial up days, this is the time of broadband, and if you want to compete in today's space, then your infrastructure should be able to accommodate a decent amount of people and still run smoothly. And again, if its a financial thing, open up to the player base and just be straight with them and say that you can't do anything at the moment, but if we got some donations, if a few peopled kicked in $5 a month for hosting, etc. Shit I'd kick in for it, if it was gonna fix the problem, because it would be a return of investment, because of getting many hours of enjoyment in playing when the system wasn't fighting you every step of the way.

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