Ok so what you have to do is first of all make sure that your extFS is working. If you're on windows, I wouldn't recommend messing with this file without first turning the pi on, but regardless the process is essentially the same on or off the pi. If using mac, you've got a bash shell to utilize, and your experience with a pi and ssh is honestly a lot better on the mac in my opinion with all the tools built in. If you're on the windows side, you don't need sighted help to configure wifi on the pi, just connect the pi to your router via ethernet. Now time to ssh. Assuming you've taken the necessary steps to enable ssh manually, you've got Two ways you can do this. With any luck, the the Pi's default host name of raspberrypi will be recognized, and you can ssh into it with a command like so:
ssh pi@raspberrypi
Depending on what program you utilize for ssh, the process may be a bit different. Nevertheless, wherever it asks you to ente r the hostname, type in raspberrypi, and type in pi for the username. Wherever it asks for the password, type in raspberry and then hit enter. If that doesn't work, then we'll have to manually find the Pi's ip address. Load up your router's control panel which usually involves typing in your router's ip address into the address bar, go to wherever your device list is, and do a text search for raspberrypi. You should find it. Make note of the pi address, and repeat the ssh process, only this time entering the ip address. If you get a warning about permanently adding ssh keys, just say yes, after all it's your own personal device. Now if you get into the pi's home directory, you're successful. Now type in sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf to open the configuration file up in nano. Go to the bottom of the file and type in the following:
Now press ctrl+x to exit, then y then enter to save the changes. Reboot your pi without it connected to the ethernet cable. Try ssh-ing again. If it works, then you're good to go, and if it doesn't, there's two possibilities. Either the wifi configuration genuinely failed, or the ssh program is reverting to its saved host address. Some ssh programs do that, in which case you need to delete all of your ssh keys and reconnect.

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