Re: Your Experience with Sleeping Patterns

@Raygrote,  to hear about the problem, however it does sound a familiar one.
I was on one particular medication at one point which basically succeeded in turning me into a zombie. Where previously I'd been sleeping erratically, then I went to a point of getting two hours of fairly intensive, brain heavy dream wracked sleep at about, and spending the other 22 hours in a sort of zombie haze, ---- well not that zombie like since I doubt I would've been capable of understanding the necessity for brains, or finding the motivation to go and much them big_smile.

Needless to say my doctor switched meds fairly quickly, but while the next one had an effect on sleep, I could at least get a good 6-8 hours, though whether sleep  were related to mental state or not I don't know.

@Cae, agreed on America and work insanityMy lady's  his wife are bot h now working 7 days a week from 8-6. Yet, what is interesting now is the majority of jobs, for all the actual hours are longer, the real activity level required is much less.

For example, in the past person working in a shop would need to do all their  calculations and stock taking by hand, be adept at weighing and measuring, and in general be able to solve a lot of incoming problems, such as finding space for stock in a dynamic way.

that! kind of job people would do for around 7 hours, but would have spent 7 hours actually being engaged.
this is apposed to the production line style, form, filling, filing basic shelf stacking that makes up the majority of jobs now.

it's actually really depressing that computers, instead of giving people more time to be creative by removing mental drudgery, have actually just been used to set up everything on a production line model which destroys people's over all creativity.

Insert rant on the aliena tion of labour.

All of this definitely isn't! good for people's  schedules, since there is a major difference between actual satisfying work that leaves a person feeling as if they've done something worth doing, and just being a miner cog in the prophet machine on a wages in, output out sort of model.

In terms of free time, I tend to think that it is! possible to work from home on projects you choose, but you have to be fairly rigorous about it, eg, being willing to literally sit down and not do something else for an hour or being willing to agree a target for yourself.

being married also definitely helps.

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