Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

A very warm good evening to you all.
First of all, let me say how proud I am, both of the game, of the players, and of the people who post here. Cosmic Rage started off, for me, as a dream, and now, it is a reality. WE're reaching into the 40's, dayly for a playercount and every day I just fall out of my chair, absolutely amazed,so let me take this moment just to thank every single player, every person who plays, played, or is thinking of playing. Thank you, for making a dream reality.

Now then, onto some mega announcements that are garanteed to knock your socks off!
n8: hello folks! First of all, I really hope you enjoyed both part one, and part two, of that event. A big hats off to Sierra Gar, who worked with me to design, and carry out the events. Part two was suppose to go slightly differently, but the vacus blew up their own ship, so we did some improv. And now, for the part you are all waiting for... I bring you... Peaches! Just kidding. I bri ng you our 5th race, the Mutariansi! the Mutariansi are a race of ancient shapeshifters who hold within them many abilities and awe-enspiring tallents. They are formed of energy called bioplasma, and have lived for perhaps as long as the dragons. There is an entire history in their help file, help mutariansi. I recommend you read that before you try out this race as it contains some key warnings. I have not put together a race book yet, but will do either tonight or tomorrow. I have just unlocked the mutariansi chargen room, so you may now all create an extra alt and go play if you wish. AS is in keeping with our rules here, the character limit has been raised once again, now at 7, one per each of the 5 races, and 2 extar, for each game mode. This is the first race I've coded while the game is live, so excuse any hickups while it takes its baby steps. I hope you enjoy!

n8: good evening folks! I hope you are all enjoying your time on cosmic rage, and if you're not, pe rhaps this new activity will help cheer you up! I bring you... archaeology! Times gone by have always been a facinating subject, whisking away the thoughts of many a theorist as to how we, the humans, evolved from primitive apes to the beins we are today. Archaeology provides a small window into the past, and allows us to study the bones of beings long gone by. Have you got the patients to reach back and wind back the sand of time? In this activity it is your job to take some digging solution and a drone to dig up bones of not just humans, but ryuchi and dragons as well, and annalyse them to seee what you can find. You must clean the bones for better results, eventually ending up at the research center where you can drop off your load and get a reward! I hope you enjoy, as this activity does have some rather humourous lines in it. Enjoy!

n8: hello folks. I have added a few things to the multi-line input fields to make them even sexier. 1. @save now saves your progress, rather than saving and exiting the prompt, this is great if your vip demo is about to run out mid email, you can type @save, @abort, @quit, go do what you gotta do, and come back later. 2. @restore. The @restore command will now  take what ever it is you have saved, and append it to the end of what ever it is you are currently writing. 3. @saved. This tells you what you have saved  4. @view, this shows you what @list shows you, just without the numbers. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy, and look forward to seeing you on the game soon!

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