Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

I find this amusing. Ever since the release of Windows Vista, there have been continuous roomers with each new OS released that XP support will be dropped on such and such date. I run XP in a virtual machine on my Mac and I can tell you that security updates for the OS are still actively being released. I usually see about two or three a month come through windows update. They might not be quite that frequent, it's not like I keep update logs or anything, but it's enough to show me that ...I'll believe XP support is dropped when I see something official instead of what we've been seeing since the release of Vista.

It is very true that a lot of businesses are still running XP, so I find it really hard to believe that Microsoft would be dumb enough to quit releasing security updates for it unless, that is, they want to pay the costs for all businesses to upgrade. LOL!

I do think that the dropping of XP support is getting closer and closer, though. I h ave a friend that works for the AAA emergency road service and they are being forced to move to 7, not by Microsoft, but by the AAA division in California. Although, for companies like AAA and the IRS that store mountains of highly protected data, this comes as no surprise.


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