Re: Inform7 questions

Thanks. Unfortunately, I can't try most of this, since inform is refusing to let me make a list. Clearly it's me doing something wrong, but I've tried defining it in what feels like forty nine different ways, and nothing works -- either I get an error saying inform doesn't see a verb it recognizes, or:
Problem. The sentence 'X is a list of numbers with entries 1, 2, 3' reads to me as if 'X' refers to something I should create as brand new - a list of numbers. But that can't be right, because this is a kind of value where I can't simply invent new values.
I've tried writing it out like that, I've tried putting braces around the numbers, I've tried putting no punctuation, a semicolon, a period, I've tried "let x be" rather than "x is" (that usually gets me the no verb it knows how to deal with" error), I've tried writing entries in different ways (&quo t;contains the numbers", "are entries in x", "x contains the entries", "entries in x are"). I've even tried adding numbers individually, like "x is a list of numbers. Add 1 to x. Add 2 to x. Add 3 to x", and "x is a list of numbers. 1 is an entry in x..." etc. So then I wondered if I was being to verbose about it, and tried stuff like {1, 2, 3" are in x, or {1, 2, 3" is x. I got this error:
Problem. The sentence '{1, 2,, 3} is numlist' seems to say that '{1, 2,, 3}', which I think is a list of values, and 'x', which I think is an object, are the same.
That can't be right, so I must have misunderstood. Perhaps you intended to make something new, but it accidentally had the same name as something already existing?
So I thought OK, sure, x is just one letter, maybe that's too short or something. So I tried different words, like numlist. S till didn't work. I went out to find some examples, and copied and pasted them. When that didn't work, I wrote them in character for character. Still didn't work.
I don't blame inform; I blame myself for not knowing what syntax to use. But I've spent I don't know how many hours on this getting the same useless errors over and over, and have no idea what to try next.

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