Re: Quests, quests, quests...

Dark, your point of view is absolutely valid, but only in games, which are planned, and functioning the way you just described.

On the other hand, I was referring to those games, which are planned to function totally differently, games, which feature large variety of creatures/monsters, with totally mixed skill-levels, who are sharing the same map region or area.
(check the last part of my previous post)

For such games, where one is initially supposed to be granted a totally free movement, all over the game-map, it is a literal sabotage to implement any type of movement restrictions or limitations, due any made out reason!

I don't know your exact age, but I do hope you still remeber the old, initial Elite game, followed by its sequel Frontier, then by several, more-or-less successful remakes, clones, copies, all the way to the newest, online version of it, called Elite Dangerous.
Or you can also take Eve Online for an example.
All those games featured, or still feature hundreds of star-systems where pilots can venture into, right from the very start of the game.
True, we startt with a crappy ship, low skills or stats, and there are many weaker or stronger NPC enemies, meaning mostly pirates, but sometimes even other players too, all of them of different strength, and at different skill level, and we can run into them, or even into a group of them in any star system we visit, but we are still initially allowed to fly anywhere we desire, depending on our plans, strategy, mood, or gameplay-style we pick.

Now what's the situation in the space-based browser-MMO called Core Exiles, which I am currently playing?
Initially it also features hundreds of star-systems and planets, and many of those are still unexplored, just waiting for explorer-type pilots to be found and visited, but one is not allowed to leave even his/her starting system until he/she reaches level 10 or so, and achieving that requires accept ing, and completing dozens of quite boring quests, since that is the only efficient enough way, how new players can progress in the starting phase of the game...

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