Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

Well my character is akrinax pearl grey scale in game, though I'd prefer to work things out myself. I'm currently level 159, and am working through the activities in sequence to try everything.

This business of  upgrades and combat is again  why I got mildly frustrated with the game and quit since it seemed there was no way to get into activities I'd not tried.
Asteroid hauling is available at level 110, and yet the only ship with any survival value is the asteroid hauler because it's the only one with a cloak, and that was even before the change to combat which now seems to make knowing the coordinates of enemies impossible. I have level 5 I believe in weaponry skill, but I've not even seen! any ships with weapons better than the lasers and beam cannon, missiles  of no use at  since I cannot use them from my control room, and besides flying anywhere without a cloak =  death, including decloaking to haul the dam asteroi ds, this aside from the fact that trying harvesting, debris collecting or anything else in an asteroid hauler involves buying room upgrades and then building the cargo bay (which means buying yet another drone and more plates since god knows where my last one has gone).

I do like the games' upgrade system, but the combat needs maaaaaajor! work (the help file is really inadequate), ships need some huge rebalancing to actually give people the tools to perform activities at the levels  are supposed to do them, and there really! needs to be a way to avoid  all that tedius wandering around so many dam shops to get the sodding upgrades.

Okay, rant orver. I suppose I will try the game again, though god knows what I should try in ship terms, since   whether the ship has a cloak is really the only decent thing a ship can have and everything else needs to be bought as an upgrade.

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