Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi all!
Instead of getting 1 -wrapping paper, my HC-char - the blaster - always has one fuel when he logs in. If I store that one I have in the fort and login the next time, I get one back, although the one I stored is still in there. But if I don't store that one before I logout, I still have one after I come back. So the game intends to give me always one fuel, maybe for me not feeling bad when I don't have one. big_smile
Aprone, I've found a weird file in my Swamp-directory. It's called SwrError and contains the following text:
"Automation error 11-30-2013 11:12:25 1"
I haven't a Scooby why I could have got this. But...
Since my computer has some sound issues, that might be the reason. The computer gives out an error: "Host process for Windows has been exited and closed. The process isn't working anymore due an is sue. You'll be informed when a solution is available." Sorry for getting off-topic, but that's the only reasonable explanation I can think of.


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