iOS audiogame developement

Hello all,

I would like to begin development of iOS games, but I don't know well how to proceed.
At the moment I'm just gathering information. I have no mac yet, so before buying one, I would like to be 100% sure that I will be able to do something / that iOS development without sighted help (including appstore submission) is really possible.

1. Should I try to learn Swift or ObjectiveC ?

2. As alternatives to Swift or ObjectiveC, there exist simpler languages/platforms. Among others, I found NativeScript and Apache Cordova.
Though I'm not much interested in Android since the vaste majority of blind people have iPhones anyway, these platforms have the advantage to allow making both at the same time apps for iOS and Android.
Are they viable solutions for game development ? Or I should really try Swift or ObjectiveC and forget about them ?

3. Do you have good tutorials to suggest in one or more of these topics ?
- Using XCod e, or better alternatives for blind if there are (I have heard that XCode was pretty hard for us, so perhaps there are simpler alternatives)
- Using an emulator to test your game without uploading it to your phone all the time if possible/accessible
- The language basics (if going for Swift or ObjectiveC)
- Using general available APIs relevant for mobile audiogames (movement sensors, 2D or 3D sound, making VO speak, etc.)

Thank you for your answers !

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